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Prima13 t1_iuej9go wrote

I liked their salads when they were at GetGo, but let’s be honest. Nobody was going to subscribe to their $9 salad plan.


__she__wolf t1_iuffrcp wrote

Got a tax incentive to build a farm in a low income neighborhood, promised to hire within the neighborhood, didn’t pay said employees a livable wage, charged an outrageous amount of money for a tiny bit of salad, a topping, and a dressing in uppity stores like Whole Foods.


Personal_Western_380 t1_iufq24k wrote

I'm from the area and this angers me. No different than the fracking industry. Were they going to try to grow pot.


bork_at_the_moon t1_iuhxzg8 wrote

They were not going to grow pot. Many high dollar investment avenues immediately close when you start with growing pot as it’s still federally banned. Source:worked there for years Anna aka shewolf has an axe to grind and her comments do not paint the whole picture.


Primary_Tap_6615 t1_iuimym7 wrote

We definitely have an axe to grind. If you weren’t in the farm with us and were one of the many who built things that constantly broke, and fixing these things resulted in injuries. Weird way to put that we were treated poorly, never listened too, and extremely underpaid. But if “axe to grind” is how ya wanna put it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


__she__wolf t1_iuireyc wrote

May I kindly remind you that doxing someone is against the rules.

I came in early, worked through my lunch breaks, worked late, almost every day, and worked weekends and I was never taken seriously as a dedicated employee so you’re damn right I have an “axe to grind”.


__she__wolf t1_iufq9wn wrote

There were talks about it but with the way PA controls medical marijuana and the only few farms we have controlling the entire industry, it was probably not going to happen for quite some time.


Personal_Western_380 t1_iufsopz wrote

I think that they bailed when they did because of the Fetterman/Oz debate. They were likely counting on Fetterman to help get pot legalized at the federal level. The election is probably going Oz's way right about now. I don't like Oz but it seems a bit funky that they went out just before the elections.


[deleted] t1_iuie680 wrote



Primary_Tap_6615 t1_iuinhbh wrote

“Going crazy about” I had the exact same problems. There were only 4 of us that worked day in and day out in that farm. So unless you’re one of us you truly have no idea. We were totally separate and did not have the same respect given. Words like “crazy” is really unbecoming. It’s even more of tell of the abuse and continued brushing off of dealing with abusive coworkers for nearly 2 years.


preposterouspierogie t1_iuipbq3 wrote

I meant crazy as ranting but could not think of the word at the time. I worked there for over a year and never saw and coworkers abuse each other. not sure if it was just the department I was in but there never were any problems and all workers got along. If something like that did occur why wasn't it ever reported. Management was more than friendly and helpful


__she__wolf t1_iuirnlj wrote

An abusive employee was reported multiple times until they blew up in a meeting and scared the crap out of all of us and was finally let go.


Primary_Tap_6615 t1_iuivy8j wrote

You worked in the office then. With 1 female. At one point there were 3? Maybe? The wearhouse and farm were an entirely different world. Our works was complete opposite. Crazy is not a respectable term to use, especially when we are referring to the abusive work environment we endured. So think a little longer next time. And while management was helpful for you, the only manager that was helpful for us was our farm manager. He was met with roadblock after roadblock when trying to make our work life better.


__she__wolf t1_iuiq2lr wrote

Calling a female “crazy” for telling my truth is the exact kind of sexism I am speaking about.


Primary_Tap_6615 t1_iuiwnhp wrote

The more I read this the more disgusting “I am unsure what she wolf is RANTING about but in my time spent at the company HER “PROBLEMS” were never an issue with other employees and just her and seems to be exaggerating.” Gets. As another person is here confirming all of this with first hand documented experience. Was present for all of this and was also treated the same.