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preposterouspierogie t1_iuipbq3 wrote

I meant crazy as ranting but could not think of the word at the time. I worked there for over a year and never saw and coworkers abuse each other. not sure if it was just the department I was in but there never were any problems and all workers got along. If something like that did occur why wasn't it ever reported. Management was more than friendly and helpful


__she__wolf t1_iuirnlj wrote

An abusive employee was reported multiple times until they blew up in a meeting and scared the crap out of all of us and was finally let go.


Primary_Tap_6615 t1_iuivy8j wrote

You worked in the office then. With 1 female. At one point there were 3? Maybe? The wearhouse and farm were an entirely different world. Our works was complete opposite. Crazy is not a respectable term to use, especially when we are referring to the abusive work environment we endured. So think a little longer next time. And while management was helpful for you, the only manager that was helpful for us was our farm manager. He was met with roadblock after roadblock when trying to make our work life better.