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Otter592 t1_iu6vqzl wrote

It's not something I ever really noticed until I started pushing a stroller around. It really opened my eyes to how terrible the sidewalks are and inaccessibility in general.

Even the cutouts to get up on the sidewalk from the crosswalk---a lot of times the cutouts on either side of the street don't even line up and you have to do this weird maneuver around all the other people. It's insane. I know I only experience a fraction of the inconvenience you do though. I'm sorry you have to deal with it


balou918 OP t1_iu6xpiv wrote

Thank you! ♥ I also hadn't noticed it before. I'm not disabled, but my boyfriend is, and pushing him around is a pain. I do it with all my love, but sometimes he gets so pissed off at how the sidewalks are that he just wants to go back home. I don't blame him. We're trying to get him an electric wheelchair to make it a little bit better, but our apartment building has stairs, so we'd need to get that fixed beforehand. But you still have those weird cutouts that you mentioned, no matter what kind of chair you have... or people parking horribly and not leaving enough space for you to go through.


jkeyc t1_iu7feh1 wrote

I’m in a similar boat where I never noticed it until I started skateboarding and it’s infuriating (not as a skateboarder, I mean from an accessibility standpoint)