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raven_snow t1_iu76iot wrote

In the meantime it's made the Main public library in Oakland temporarily less accessible, BUT they're renovating the front entrance to have a ramp that's long enough for it to have a shallow enough angle. They're also replacing the accessible lift/elevator in the front, which was hellishly overdue for that treatment.
Pittsburgh has some really bad sidewalk conditions, though. Have you been here in the winter yet? Homeowners and renters are responsible for clearing their sidewalk of snow and ice. I think 50% of people actually do, though. Plus there are the ones that "clear" by just throwing down rock salt/ice melt that sticks around as pebbles.


balou918 OP t1_iu8pzo7 wrote

I’m very happy that they’re renovating the library. The entrance they have right now (for wheelchairs) is like going inside a cave, the chair doesn’t almost fit and it makes you feel everything but welcome.

We’ve been here in the winter, and unfortunately when there’s snow around my partner has to stay at home unless we pay for an uber/lyft. That’s why we’re trying to go out as much as possible atm.


raven_snow t1_iu9u2z4 wrote

The horrible cave-like entrance is so bad and scary. I'm not sure what the new one will be like, but it's got to be better than what's there now.
That sucks that your partner is so boxed in during the winter by sidewalk conditions. What are your favorite, accessible places in the city? I love the Hazelwood Green for walks because the sidewalks are so new that most of them are still smooth and the whole place feels like a perfect urban park (even though it's technically privately owned).