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lemony_dewdrops t1_iu7na1r wrote

Our public transit was destroyed, while investment also left the region. So now there are a bunch of cars and trucks everywhere putting wear-and-tear on roads and parking on sidewalks. Since they decided to put cars first, repairing roads gets priority over sidewalks. Also, a lot of the roads are just too narrow and there isn't enough parking for a high volume f personal vehicles, further adding to the problem. Real investment in transit needs to happen to have any hope of fully solving this problem. Other than that, it'll just be little fixes on the edges.


balou918 OP t1_iu8q7tb wrote

I completely agree with you. They also need to make some changes in the training that transit drivers receive. A bunch of them take off without giving you time to secure the wheelchair/asking if you’re good, or seem to get annoyed because you, in fact, have special needs.


PghCurlyGrrl t1_iu94k0n wrote

Now we just get rebranding (whyyyy) and more lines being cut 🥲🥲