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oldschoolskater t1_iu5uage wrote

This election is very important for both sides of the aisle. I wouldn't risk mail in voting if you are physically capable of voting in person. Obviously if you're not physically capable or going to be out of town then use mail-in voting.


cowboyjosh2010 t1_iu5v48q wrote

I mailed in my ballot already, not because I expect to be unavailable to vote in person, but because I have two young kids and who the heck knows what unexpected emergency might pop up on Election Day that keeps me away from my polling location. A mailed-in vote still counts, so I just went with that route to hedge my bets against a sudden lack of availability.


oldschoolskater t1_iu5vly2 wrote

I completely respect that decision. I know it's difficult with a couple of kids.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_iu64uso wrote

I refuse to cede the right to vote by mail. Either the votes count or they don’t. Either mail in votes matter, or they don’t.

Stop victim blaming people and instead demand fair process.


drunkenviking t1_iu6siku wrote

How are they victim blaming? The fuck?


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_iu6v8et wrote

People who have their votes frivolously discarded (assuming they followed the directions in good faith) are victims. The person I replied to is implying that if they (we) get fucked over, it is their fault for voting by mail instead of voting in-person.

Now, look - I know you're thinking "they never said that." But what they are doing is de-legitimizing mail-in ballots. They are accepting and perpetuating that mail-in ballots are unreliable when that is just not the case. I've voted by mail my entire adult life (with the exception of two primaries that I voted in-person). Each and every time I received my ballot in a timely manner and received confirmation that it had been received by the county - including when I lived in a red state. There was never any issue until Republicans started making it an issue in 2020, because Democrats understood COVID-19 for the threat that is was while Republicans denied that it was a threat at all. It was always about making sure "our team" was scared away from the polls while "their team" had no fear (even if they should have). Fuck them - the system works so long as you give it the proper resources and aren't trying to threaten poll workers just trying to do their jobs. If we don't give the proper resources and don't allow poll workers to do their jobs, we are already failed as a democracy.