Submitted by CashierHound t3_yfyckb in pittsburgh

For those voting by mail, you'll receive two envelopes that both say "Official Election Ballot": one with a mailing address / declaration, and one that's otherwise blank. Make sure to place and seal your completed ballot inside the mostly-blank envelope first.

The instructions are flagrantly ambiguous and your vote could be thrown out if not sealed in the correct sequence of envelopes. Voter suppression in action!



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AtmoSZN t1_iu5tc9x wrote

Still haven’t received mine and I double checked my info was submitted and accurate. When should I start worrying? I’ll unfortunately be out of state during election week.


oldschoolskater t1_iu5uage wrote

This election is very important for both sides of the aisle. I wouldn't risk mail in voting if you are physically capable of voting in person. Obviously if you're not physically capable or going to be out of town then use mail-in voting.


cowboyjosh2010 t1_iu5ux5d wrote

Disagree pretty strongly that the instructions are ambiguous. The instruction card in my mail-in ballot materials package was very clear about what to do, and in what order to do it. The only thing it didn't cover was whether or not it was necessary to hand write your return address on the outer mailing envelope. But I know how mail works...letters need a return address, and this outer envelope has a space for a return address to be hand-written in. So I filled it in despite the lack of instruction addressing this.

But like, just read the instructions people! They tell you what to do, and it's pretty darn important that you do it.


cowboyjosh2010 t1_iu5v48q wrote

I mailed in my ballot already, not because I expect to be unavailable to vote in person, but because I have two young kids and who the heck knows what unexpected emergency might pop up on Election Day that keeps me away from my polling location. A mailed-in vote still counts, so I just went with that route to hedge my bets against a sudden lack of availability.


Excelius t1_iu5wom3 wrote

When did you apply for the mail in ballot?

My application was already on-file from the primaries, and I received and returned my ballot weeks ago.

So unless you just recently applied, I'd say you should have started worrying a week or two ago.


mircatt t1_iu5z35n wrote

I’ve been tracking mine and it says it was dispatched from the office 3 weeks ago and it still hasn’t arrived. I have no idea what happened to it or where it is. I’m an 8 hour drive away and I plan on driving the entire way there and back on Election Day to vote because this is bullshit


MaeClementine t1_iu5zl2l wrote

This is my first time voting in PA. Can I check to make sure my mail-in ballot was counted? Where I was before, I could see on election day that it was (and if it wasn't, you could go vote in person).


crushedrancor t1_iu60hp0 wrote

Also make sure you stamp it!! I walked out the door ready to mail them without stamps, im glad I looked before tossing them in the mail


drugstore_soda_jerk t1_iu60lis wrote

You get an email back stating the following:

Your ballot has been received by xxxxxxxx County on xx /xx/2022.

Your ballot status has been updated to reflect your official ballot has been received timely and recorded.

Please note: You are no longer permitted to vote at your polling place location now that you have returned your ballot timely.


B0bb3r7 t1_iu63fpg wrote

Correct. This is available at the County Office Building, Downtown (542 Forbes Ave). It is inside the Forbes Ave entrance (as opposed to the Ross entrance where completed ballots can be dropped off). This is available until 4:30 PM, Tues., Nov. 1.


chuckie512 t1_iu63idl wrote

In Allegheny county, if you haven't already requested a ballot online or through the mail, you can request one in person at the city county building. They'll issue it immediately, and you can fill it out and return while you're there.


B0bb3r7 t1_iu65k4j wrote

You might have some options so that you're not traveling 16 hours on election day. Per this news release (PDF download), "the Elections Division can reissue the ballot in its main offices during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM." Elsewhere on their site they say, "If you do not receive your ballot within 7-10 days of it being sent, please contact the Elections Division to determine what options you may have."

Since you've already applied for the ballot, I would suspect that the Nov. 1 application deadline does not apply to you. You could show up downtown, get a reissued ballot, and return the voted ballot. On election day, just go to your polling place. Be aware that you'll only be able to vote a provisional ballot unless you can surrender the original ballot.


theoth3rme t1_iu65y89 wrote

I have received 17 reminder flyers to vote but no fucking ballots


CashierHound OP t1_iu662uo wrote

And I will strongly argue that the instructions were ambiguous. See the highlighted sentences

The issue is that both envelopes contain the phrase "Official Election Ballot", and the instructions tell you to seal one (irreversible) before disambiguating which is which

It's quite obvious once you read further but I guarantee I'm far from the only one who messed this up.


iworshipelections t1_iu66kl1 wrote

You can come in and actually be re-issued a ballot until 5pm on the first of the month (430 Monday) . Weekdays only. Might even be me doing it. If it’s after the first, you will have to complete an emergency ballot application instead. Same process.


mircatt t1_iu6aq5v wrote

Great that I can get a new ballot in person but doesn’t really solve the problem of being 8 hours away…I take it there’s not some fast tracked process? I can only get out of my current city for that day so either I drop money on a plane ticket or I’m driving 16 hours


nrs320pitt t1_iu6dm26 wrote

I thought it was pretty clear? Though I was not expecting to have to stamp it


Cynic_Throwaway t1_iu6guik wrote

"Put ballot inside the mostly blank envelope (Official Election Ballot envelope), and put that envelope inside the envelope that has the address (Elections Division) and Voter's Declaration on it."

Im not trying to rail on you OP, but this isnt voter suppression.


ttsignal24 t1_iu6h8vc wrote

Instructions are very clear. If you are confused by it, ask for assistance. Or.... Get your ass up (provided that you are able) and vote like like normal able people.

I think Fetterman is the OP.


Jonny_Thundergun t1_iu6jsjq wrote

I called the voting office and was told that could reseal the other envelope then initial next to it and my vote would be counted.


cowboyjosh2010 t1_iu6lay6 wrote

Maybe I'm biased because I'm used to the tedious instructions associated with mailing antlerless deer hunting license applications. By comparison the mail in ballot rules are almost simple. Sorry to hear you had trouble!


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_iu6v8et wrote

People who have their votes frivolously discarded (assuming they followed the directions in good faith) are victims. The person I replied to is implying that if they (we) get fucked over, it is their fault for voting by mail instead of voting in-person.

Now, look - I know you're thinking "they never said that." But what they are doing is de-legitimizing mail-in ballots. They are accepting and perpetuating that mail-in ballots are unreliable when that is just not the case. I've voted by mail my entire adult life (with the exception of two primaries that I voted in-person). Each and every time I received my ballot in a timely manner and received confirmation that it had been received by the county - including when I lived in a red state. There was never any issue until Republicans started making it an issue in 2020, because Democrats understood COVID-19 for the threat that is was while Republicans denied that it was a threat at all. It was always about making sure "our team" was scared away from the polls while "their team" had no fear (even if they should have). Fuck them - the system works so long as you give it the proper resources and aren't trying to threaten poll workers just trying to do their jobs. If we don't give the proper resources and don't allow poll workers to do their jobs, we are already failed as a democracy.


trail-coffee t1_iu6zb6p wrote

Just because I’m a voter who happens to be mail doesn’t mean I can’t handle two envelopes…


Karma4Clunkerz t1_iu72a94 wrote

Voter suppression is when not reading directions


jake0203w t1_iu79q8n wrote

Thanks for the heads up! Just filled ours out!


thisisyourbestoption t1_iu7ehy0 wrote

For real, doe tag apps are hard mode by comparison. Damn you, pink envelope!

There's a state bill being considered that would allow for antlerless application via the website. I forget the exact bill number, but it's a clean bill and seriously needs to pass.


CallMeCappn t1_iu7odq0 wrote

Voting in person to make sure it counts!!!


iSoReddit t1_iu8gqer wrote

If one reads over the instructions once or twice then it’s hard to make a mistake. I agree it would have been easier if they just had a 1 and a 2 on each envelope and gave numbered directions.


iSoReddit t1_iu8gw6w wrote

Got an email on the 27th saying this

“ Your ballot is almost ready, and it is being prepared for mailing. If you do not receive your ballot within 7 days, please contact your county election office.”

Not feeling confident


jaxnoleAA t1_iu8h7oj wrote

Or the government making an easy task more complicated than it needs to be…if privacy is the purpose of the second envelope, the ballot could just have easily been folded over on itself to hide the votes…


llaynadd t1_iu8pg1c wrote

It explicitly says on the outside envelope that postage is paid by the addressee (so the government), that would be a huge voter suppression move if they made postage required and illegal in the state of PA


thatburghfan t1_iu8wkiq wrote

Heck, they can't get enough people to fully staff the polls for ONE day.

Wouldn't mail-in voting always be more convenient than having to go to a polling place, even if they were open for a week?


Kingjerm731 t1_iu946ze wrote

Or, you could just go vote in person. 🥴


Wxfisch t1_iu9eh88 wrote

Honestly I think just a tiny amount of critical thinking could save you a ton of trouble. One envelope is basically blank, the other contains an address for it to be mailed. Which would you think needs to be in the outside?

Also, maybe read all the instructions before getting started. I’ll agree that they could have been more clear in general (a numbered list would grade been nice) but the overall process is pretty straightforward.


IamChantus t1_iu9kys1 wrote

You're right, there was no need for me to put in an insincere apology.

Why would I be sorry that a form of balloting used since the civil war is finally catching on as the new normal?


llaynadd t1_iu9xyo8 wrote

First class postage PAID BY THE ADDRESSEE aka the government! You can just put it in the damn box! Just because it says that doesn’t mean you have to put a stamp on it! It means it’s paid for by the govt!
