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Altheasdad t1_itrjn1s wrote

Following, CAPA is locked down too. There’s about 30 police cars on Penn Ave. Nothing on WPXI, KDKA, or WTAE. ☹️


kschmit516 OP t1_itrjpsy wrote

RIGHT??? She is sitting on the floor of her school van RN


Altheasdad t1_itrkev4 wrote

WPXI just updated, nothing other than shots fired. Prayers for safety.


mazhas t1_itrmr2y wrote

Yep got the alert. Lockout just lifted


kschmit516 OP t1_itrpmj8 wrote

Thanks all

She called and the van is on it’s way


PoisonSpace t1_itrkaf5 wrote

Possibly related, there’s a swarm of cars and a K-9 unit at the entrance to route 28 by Rachel Carson. Saw someone getting cuffed.


swooshlife24 t1_itrl6ze wrote

I live at Penn Garrison and we all heard the shots. I spoke with the police and they have the suspects in custody


hambone012 t1_ituc84z wrote

I can’t believe all these NRA legal gun owners won’t stop shooting


Y33y3369 t1_itrlnyy wrote

Yes I’m listening to the scanner I live across from it


snickersandapepsi t1_itro1ol wrote

Just some teens letting off steam , they are mostly good boys


tzeriel t1_itrznyq wrote

It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad how desperate you racist incels are to inject your dumb thoughts everywhere. Seek mental help.


snickersandapepsi t1_its2jlu wrote

Lol, whatever makes you feel better . Call people names, make excuses for folks shooting up the place


brownmuffalo t1_its298o wrote

It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad how desperate you white-guilt incels are to hide from the facts. Seek an adult education course for critical thinking.

Fixed it for you.


tzeriel t1_its3bhv wrote

It’s funny because I can walk anywhere in public and say what I say and nothing will happen. I can post it wherever I want and nothing in my life is at risk.

You coward racists don’t have the balls to own your dogshit views in public. You hide behind sock accounts because you’re afraid of repercussions.

Get fucked, you microdick racist clownshoe.


ATribeCalledGreg t1_its9xyh wrote

Sexist body shaming to own the racists. What a good person you are.


chad4359 t1_itsfr05 wrote

Next they'll be saying that people shouldn't vote for a team R politician because he's Muslim!


snickersandapepsi t1_its3ruj wrote

Race wasn't mentioned so just make your own narrative up . Whatever helps you cope !


FreeCashFlow t1_itsya75 wrote

You’re not as clever as you think, you fuckwhistle. Everyone is pretty familiar with the “he was a good boy” trope that racists love to reference.


snickersandapepsi t1_its2qal wrote

Yup, calling folks names sure covers up the FACT that these shooting are daily events .


Ninja_420_69 t1_its2gca wrote

Nah, it's probably those white supremacists that they keep saying are the greatest threat to everyone in the country.