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Ordinary_Pain1848 t1_ixhy0pb wrote

ACHD has the right to shut down Clairton Coke Works if they deviate from the agreement. That’s what they have the right to do. You try to run that plant without No.2 or No.5 Control Rooms and they shut them down. Period. It’s either you run with those plants on, or you don’t produce at all and you take your plant to idle hot until you conform with the agreement. That’s the consent decree they signed. They continuously show no intent on improving things, they will shut them down.

Have you ever been inside that plant? Do you even know what goes on in the day to day basis there?

People complained about Shenango Coke on Neville Island for years and now it’s gone. The air quality hasn’t changed since it’s closure.

You wanna say ACHD isn’t doing shit but what has the EPA and DEP done for heavy industry who run amok in our country?

Dow Chemical since 2000 has paid $273M in fines but made $11.4B in 2021 alone despite having one the most prolific offenses ever recorded in our country. They knowingly poisoned our waterways and got a slap on the wrist, if that!

They make US Steel look like innocent children in comparison.

So please chuckie512, tell us with all your holy Reddit power might what you would do to fix this problem. You are so adamant you know what you need to do, put your money where your mouth is and show us!

I’m so tired of people spouting on the internet armchair QBing thinking their shit don’t stink and they have the be all to end all solutions to fix the problem.


SamPost t1_ixiu0qm wrote

You keep acting like no one has a plan. Here is the plan:

Upgrade the facility into compliance with the existing law, like every other coke producer in North America or Europe, or shut down.

End of plan.