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lemma_qed t1_iwh3zjo wrote

That girl's mother is right to be upset. How is this guy getting away with not registerng as a sex offender?!


immargarita OP t1_iwh5djr wrote

I don't know. It's just utterly sickening and terribly disappointing. He's basically free to just continue being a creep until it escalates because those people cannot be reformed.


pghgreatest t1_iwiym98 wrote

His lawyer is Casey white who is a great attorney. Same guy who represented aaron Donald when he was accused of punching someone. Looks to me he took the DA to the cleaners on this case


Willow-girl t1_iwgz29z wrote

Will not have to register as a sex offender? WT actual F?

Bet this guy has a rich Mommy and/or Daddy.


AnonPlzzzzzz t1_iwhgsyi wrote

Or maybe it's soft-on-crime DAs put in place by soft-on-crime politicians voted for by people who believe the media-narrative that this higher crime is just a "right wing conspiracy"...

I'm tired of saying it but you get what you vote for 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ninja_420_69 t1_iwgg7y8 wrote

No jail time and will not have to register as a sex offender after recording little girls, in a school, while armed with a box cutter.

How's everyone enjoying this soft on crime era we are currently in?


sopabe6197 t1_iwgo5xf wrote

> How's everyone enjoying this soft on crime era we are currently in?

Plea deals come from the district attorney. He could go to trial and risk a slim chance of losing, but won't. When you only offer plea deals your conviction rate is 100% and you get to look tough on crime.


MadameTree t1_iwgvyju wrote

I disagree with the conditions of the plea if they're accurate, but how are we in a soft on crime era? We have more convicts in the US then anywhere else?


immargarita OP t1_iwgjyj8 wrote

And it's going on coast to coast; I have family spread all over the place. It just feels like more than just leniency, as if they have an agenda in not prosecuting/punishing anyone and I can't figure out the plot.


immargarita OP t1_iwgf7uw wrote

What can go wrong? He looks perfectly sane. Thank fuck I don't have kids 😱


paperclouds412 t1_iwgj39m wrote

He’s got those sanpaku eyes.


ScratchMoore t1_iwgjlsx wrote

I’ve never heard that term before, but thank you!

My buddy dated a girl who was, shall we say, a little more intense than most. I remember telling him “Dude, you can see the white around her entire eye. She got them crazy eyes. Don’t rely this one…”

I wasn’t wrong haha


immargarita OP t1_iwgje5a wrote

Oh maaaa gawd! Where has that term been my entire life?!?!? I've just been using "crazy eyes", how lame! You've changed my life!


paperclouds412 t1_iwgk3vo wrote

I know right?! I just learned the term recently as well. Glad I could help.


Willow-girl t1_iwgzg4j wrote

He looks like he belongs on a "Faces of Meth" poster.


Reactor_Jack t1_iwhen3o wrote

The DA has not said anything about what the plea deal (if there is one) entails. This is someone (a parent) making that statement claiming to have heard it, so this is even less than unofficial.

On the other hand... I have heard nothing about the employee that let him in just a few days after the district (school) having held refresher training to NOT permit this kind of thing to happen (per the original new story). The original news story said they were suspended, but I could not find anything on that investigation outcome. Sorry, but that person should likely loose (or did loose) their job. I was not able to find anything in the news on it, nor my reviewing the Gateway School Board Notes from April through present for anything related to this case. Personnel matters, I understand, are somewhat confidential, but some record I would have assume would be there for the outcome of the investigation (no names).


CARLEtheCamry t1_iwhw1xf wrote

> This is someone (a parent) making that statement claiming to have heard it, so this is even less than unofficial.

Fair assessment. I can say, when one of my kids was the victim of a crime, the (Butler) DA met with me before offering a plea deal, actually deferred to my judgement. They didn't have to, and this case is different, but something like "We need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the intent" if you go for higher charges could risk the guy getting off with zero punishment. I don't know the details of this case, just speculating.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iwijs9v wrote

Okay fine the DA really believes he's mentally ill, not a criminal. Whatever. He should still be a registered sex offender.


thesockcode t1_iwhhfel wrote

As far as I can tell, if he pleads guilty to Invasion of Privacy, he'll have to register as a sex offender for 15 years. If he's offered a deal that doesn't include that charge, he won't. Now maybe the DA is offering a deal that doesn't include that charge for whatever reason, but it seems just as likely that the victim's mother is mistaken or making stuff up.


Reactor_Jack t1_ixk7w84 wrote

Follow up from the local paper today. He did get probation after all, along with living in a residential mental health facility and has to stay away from children and schools. He has a lot of stipulations, but does not have to register as a set offender.

The article provided some more details such as He had no photos of children (a teacher?) and the employee that let him in resigned a fee weeks into their investigation. He also had a history of mental instability. It said the plea deal was agreed upon by the "victims" whomever they determined them to be.


Reactor_Jack t1_ixk7zbj wrote

Follow up from the local paper today. He did get probation after all, along with living in a residential mental health facility and has to stay away from children and schools. He has a lot of stipulations, but does not have to register as a set offender.

The article provided some more details such as He had no photos of children (a teacher?) and the employee that let him in resigned a fee weeks into their investigation. He also had a history of mental instability. It said the plea deal was agreed upon by the "victims" whomever they determined them to be.

I got the rag in the mail today. I'm not sure but I assume there is an online article as well.


Neither_Squirrel t1_iwhc81f wrote



Neither_Squirrel t1_iwhc9h4 wrote



GargantuanWitch t1_iwhi5bh wrote

If we locked up everyone who "looked crazy" then basically everyone who was willing to stand in line for chicken tenders in Market Square deserves to be marched over to the jail, friend.


Neither_Squirrel t1_iwnsyxk wrote

You’re a weirdo and you’re allowed to quit your job. This was oddly specific dude.


immargarita OP t1_iwi1z79 wrote

"Sanpaku gan" as someone posted earlier, explains it ALL. "According to Chinese/Japanese medical [3] face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts, and people who over-consume sugar or grain.[4] Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.[2]". So you're not wrong in reading this psycho's face; I'd cross the street if I saw any mofo looking that unhinged.