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future_shoes t1_iw0emf4 wrote

If true I think it would be out of fear of Fetterman losing versus deciding Lamb would be a better congressman. Or fear from people misunderstanding his medical condition after the stroke. Fetterman has a temporary disability from medical emergency. No one legitimate in the media or GOP has said that he has been effected cognitively. Even if Fetterman needs to use aids to effectively communicate the rest of his life it wouldn't impact his ability to function as a Senator.


gentlestuncle t1_iw0f8fq wrote

As a citizen of PA, Fetterman definitely has not proven to me that he’s totally fine. He could release the medical records around his stroke any day and clear up all doubt, but he hasn’t done that. And the fact that he hasn’t done that certainly suggests that his doctors think something other than he’s totally fine. If his doctors were writing “John Fetterman is 100% of the man he was before the stroke,” don’t you think he would have been kicking in doors at the Post Gazette to get it published?

He COULD be fine, but he could also not be fine. And as the public servant, it’s on him to prove it.

Edit: it’s wild that this has turned into a downvote party. He 100% has not proven he’s fine. There is no chance whatsoever people would accept the same evidence if it was Donald Trump, and rightfully so. He’s a public servant, he already won the election, I don’t get why people would stan unnecessarily for this guy.


capchaos t1_iw0wcsp wrote

What's with people wanting to see other people's medical records? His doctor released a statement saying he has no work restrictions. The same doctor who fills out his medical records. If you don't believe the doctor's statement, you're not going to believe his medical record either. His medical record is none of your fucking business.

EDIT: Since I can't reply to u/Willow-girl ...

> This doesn't mean he is able to do the job

Actually it does. You don't want it to so you can keep screeching about medical records. Are you a physician who is capable of determining his abilities by looking at his medical records?

EDIT 2: Still can't comment to u/Willow-girl ...

I don't think YOU understand what "work restrictions" are. In your example, you're talking about a physical job. Being a senator is not a physical job. It's an administrative job that requires thinking. Work restrictions would mean he can't do that. The good doctor says he can. I'll ask again, what is the difference in validity between a letter and a medical record and what qualifications do you have to evaluate a medical record? And for the record, you had no problem with trump who wouldn't release his medical records and he clearly has severe cognitive issues.

"I was OK with Trump up until the election-denier BS." - You


Willow-girl t1_iw4ifyy wrote

I don't think you understand what "work restrictions" are.

Work restrictions specify things you should not be doing because they pose a danger to your health. For instance, if you've had a recent back injury, a doctor may give you a work restriction like, "No lifting over 10 lbs." in order to protect you from re-aggravating it. "No work restrictions" in Fetterman's case simply means that performing the job of senator is not likely to pose a danger to his health.


Willow-girl t1_iw2klt1 wrote

> His doctor released a statement saying he has no work restrictions.

This doesn't mean he is able to do the job; it only means the job is not likely to hurt him.


gentlestuncle t1_iw10wrg wrote

The only people being asked are the people asking to serve in the Senate. I don’t normally ask that people for the their tax records, but we fairly ask that if our politicians. I’m not even saying he needs to release his whole medical record; if he has some sort of disparaging historical detail, that obviously doesn’t matter. He would only need to release the records specifically related to his stroke and diagnosis. But releasing a letter is a deliberate evasion.


capchaos t1_iw2b9fy wrote

So a letter can be false but a medical record can't be? From the same doctor? Do you hear yourself?