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LL_is_a_Cool_J t1_iw148st wrote

Would have voted for Lamb because he has a (D) beside his name.

You people would rather have stalemate in Congress, stalemate that would have prevented the Americans with Disabilities Act from being passed,

You people would rather have something like CHIP not passed.

The Gang of 14 made sure that SCOTUS picks had votes from each side, until Dems "Nuked" the deal in 2013. It was good while it lasted.

2010 Obama tax deal. Would have not happened unless Obama had agreed to work with Repubs. If he had not only the upper class would have continued to see tax cuts instead of the middle class that Obama wanted as well.


But go ahead, downvote me because you people are so fucking partisan that you would rather see nothing get done instead of something.
