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just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixbldcl wrote

They're striking because they refuse to be exploited.


[deleted] t1_ixcw6wd wrote

You know how they can stop being exploited? Stop working for them and go find another job.


_Profitable_Prophet_ t1_ixcwyms wrote

this is not an argument


[deleted] t1_ixcygj7 wrote

LOL it sure is.


_Profitable_Prophet_ t1_ixcykca wrote


cry next time some tells you to wear a mask, trumpie


[deleted] t1_ixcyqev wrote

You really can't comprehend things can you. You must bag groceries.

If a company that I would be buying something from requires me a mask to enter, I simply do not enter the building and patronize them. Its not a hard concept.


Zenith2017 t1_ixde8jx wrote

And what about the next job that exploits them? And the next one, and the one after that, ad nauseam?

It's in an employer's financial interest to screw over employees in immortal, unethical, and/or illegal ways.

So, knowing that, why would you think that the employers have no fault here?


[deleted] t1_ixdjpil wrote

>It's in an employer's financial interest to screw over employees in immortal, unethical, and/or illegal ways.

It is insane how stupid people are.

It is not in the financial interest to screw over employees.

I can tell you aren't or ever have been a business owner. Pathetic and moronic.


Zenith2017 t1_ixdk0qu wrote

Great job dodging the questions I posed pal. Have a good one ✌️


[deleted] t1_ixdkc3q wrote

I answered the questions in previous posts.

No one is forcing people to work in conditions they find are not what they want.

Other may like those conditions, its entirely subjective.


Zenith2017 t1_ixdkrws wrote

Nobody's forcing the businesses to employ union workers either. If they don't want to have unionized employees, they can go start a different business!

Others might like employing union people. It's entirely subjective.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixecoq3 wrote

While I'm definitely on your side of the argument, it isn't really the employers choice whether they have unionized employees or not. That's the workers' choice.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixedahq wrote

When entire industries are built on the idea of trying to screw the workers as much as possible, it's inescapable. Going to find another job just means leaving one exploitative employer for another. The only answer to avoid it, other than unionizing, is to just stop working altogether or be self employed. But self-employment for every single individual isn't a reasonable solution. And anyhow, it would just circle back around to the exact same thing but now every single employee is an "independent contractor" kinda how uber is, but they're functionally right back where we started.


[deleted] t1_ixeiqzj wrote

Such as?


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixkuub0 wrote

Pretty much all of them to some degree, but especially retail and service, gig jobs, and agriculture.


[deleted] t1_ixl1hdo wrote

"Gig jobs" Are you saying that the "gig industry" ya know the one where you are your own boss and contractor is trying to 'screw the worker"?
Agriculture?!? The owner gets screwed there for the most part, ask me how I know, I own 121 acres of land and have it farmed.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixl28r0 wrote

Gig workers are getting fucked because they're being classified as independent contractors when they are very much not independent contractors. They don't meet the requirements and there are curt battles going on over this. Agriculture workers are some of the lowest paid workers in the nation and they also have no rights under the NLRA. So they especially get taken advantage of. A lot of them are migrant laborers so they also have to put up with extra shit because they might get deported and lose their job otherwise. You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.


[deleted] t1_ixl2j4h wrote

>Gig workers are getting fucked because they're being classified as independent contractors when they are very much not independent contractors.

That sounds like a government problem, not a company problem.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixl2tvm wrote

It's both, and government and businesses are often colluding. More specifically, certain people in power within the government. And a business taking advantage of some dumb loop hole or throwing at the wall and seeing if courts agree with them is absolutely screwing the workers, like come on, are you fucking stupid?


[deleted] t1_ixl32oi wrote

You vote for bigger government, then get mad when government screws people.

I'll give you a little fun fact, Unions screw people over too.
ALL THE TIME. They collude with the government too to screw the worker over.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixl3kdx wrote

I don't "vote for bigger government." However, I'm not a simpleton and I realize that my political ideology isn't going to be seen any time soon, so I vote for one of the 2 major parties that both stand for big government, and I pick the one that is actually going to do something. Could be better, yes, but let's not get too long winded here. Republican's are also for big government, despite their protests. They just want big government in a different place. They want less social welfare and more military and justice stuff.