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ChefGuru t1_iyd4bic wrote

Damn... if only traffic could be stopped if there was a fire in one side of the tunnel. It's too bad that there's no possible way for that to happen, and that everyone escaping a fire would be forced to run directly into speeding traffic.


ScratchMoore t1_iyd603n wrote

Right? I feel like maybe if someone invented a light to put at one end of the tunnel as a warning system to stop traffic. Maybe blue? Or purple? Not sure what colors could be used, just spitballing……


omgwouldyou t1_iyddz2t wrote

It is kinda funny to think the tunnel staff and emergency services would just let traffic continue on as normal through the second tunnel as they use it as an evacuation route.

Tunnel guy screaming over the noise at an evacuating motorist "so sorry sir, it's the Tuesday special at olive garden! We need to keep these people moving! Try to stick close to the walls!"