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ScratchMoore t1_ixnfhfb wrote

Moms are like that.

Mine tried to still make Easter happen in 2020 right after everything locked down. It took all of the kids/step-kids telling her we weren’t coming over under any condition for her to finally have it click.

Sometimes subtlety doesn’t work.


TransporterOffline t1_ixnfxuo wrote

Some people are mentally ruined when they don't get to enjoy their annual holidays. It kind of reminds me of when my high school dance was canceled due to a student tragedy, and some people pretty much lost their shit because they were so invested in this dance. I have a lot less patience for that attitude in the past couple years. We need to be able to adapt and change when there's, I dunno, a destructive virus going around.

My family all ended up with bronchitis this week and decided to postpone Thanksgiving dinner to Saturday, but I'm still not going. If they're not healthy today, two days isn't going to make a difference, and I'm not risking getting sick given I'm pleased with how healthy I've been this past year or so.


happyjazzycook t1_ixnqm5h wrote

Vent away. Covid + a family misfortune and the ensuing struggle = my family broken apart in a way I never would have dreamt of three years ago. Wear your mask and cook away, enjoy the time with them if you can.


psychopompandparade t1_ixo0kxr wrote

Well, that's irresponsible. Especially if there are going to be any kids there, as our pediatric ers are not in the best of shape. It's wild how people's point of view has changed so dramatically. Also if people are flying into the US, if they have a flight back, you're giving them some covid to share with the plane.

You sound responsible enough to test and isolate when you get back, even with the n95, but that's probably what one should do.


SomeoneSaysHi t1_ixo1daa wrote

You talking out of your ass? My complaint is that someone with a serious ilness isn’t isolating in a room when they fully have the capability to.

Like even for two days would be nice. There are two 70+ people in the household. Vaccinated but never got the disease ( yet). If I get sick, I might not have the sick days to cover it at work.

Even if I was totally selfish, at least I have the common sense to know how to keep my job by planning ahead


Important_Tip_9704 t1_ixoc22a wrote

Your mom has contracted what you believe is a grave illness. So, how at no point in typing this “vent post” did you feel the need to express any type of concern for her health or recovery? I mean, that’s exactly what you are so upset with her for doing, for not taking the dangers of covid seriously. As far as you know your mom’s health is on the line- yet here you are complaining to internet strangers about how she annoyed you, rather than actually showing a sliver of concern for her health. You either don’t actually believe covid is serious, haven’t taken a minute to think about why you feel the way you feel, or you simply have no love for her.
