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Egraypgh t1_iyb8r5v wrote

These policies are to protect the hospitals from lawsuits. They were more worried in the end about this family suing for emotional damage and making a stink that’s why they snuck this guy in. These policies don’t have much to do with healthcare more to do with the legal system as far as I’m aware we still have not decided in this country whether you can sue for catching Covid. A true quarantine would’ve tested people before they ever let them in the door to begin with. Not oh have you been exposed to someone after you’ve been there for days then we must single you out. PS this is a hospital on the northside that treats homeless people there is still a huge amount of Hep C spreading around the homeless community I would be more worried about catching that then c19 at this hospital.


ktxhopem3276 t1_iybclcx wrote

Hep c isn’t an airborn virus like Covid and not likely to spread in a hospital. The legal risk for the hospital is a result of the health risk. If there was no health risk there really isn’t much room for a negligence lawsuit. The hospital would be at legal risk if they did something negligent like allowing someone at high risk of having Covid riding elevators and walking by other patients rooms full of vulnerable patients many old or immunocompromised. I don’t think there is much chance of a lawsuit for emotion damage either because the hospital was taking reasonable precautions. It is more likely they caved to just get op to stop consuming their time with complaining