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beerded_dragon412 t1_iuu2ss9 wrote

The check out lines wrap around the store, went yesterday probably took me a good hour n a half to check out


CARLEtheCamry t1_iuxf2xd wrote

You get anything good? I imagine it's pretty well picked over by this point.


beerded_dragon412 t1_iuxguwi wrote

Not really. Like all the big ticket items were already gone, toys were pretty picked over (was hoping to knock out Christmas shopping) only big score was I usually drink an energy drink a day and they had Ashocs for like $2 and then half off and with a bunch of buy 2 get $1 off coupons on the can so I was able to get like 80 of them for like 50 cents each.


CARLEtheCamry t1_iuyo1rc wrote

Nice. People were harping on it earlier, comparing it to Black Friday shopping. Me personally I get hyped for a 25 cent box of mac and cheese, that's what I would be looking for.