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TrueCR t1_iuuv5mz wrote

My friend once lived in Walmart for 3 days (Of course with the permission of Walmart) to "wait in line" for a Wii.


balou918 OP t1_iuux2mn wrote

You can’t be serious…


TrueCR t1_iuv8yel wrote

I am, we were even in high school. The best part is my other friend went to Sams club the day the wii was released and didn’t have to wait at all to buy it


Scuzzy_Beta t1_iuv1m2r wrote

Wii fever was real man


CARLEtheCamry t1_iuxfi3u wrote

It was such a good system. My parents even bought one, never owned a console before in their life and still refer to every one (like if they saw my PS4) as "The Nintendo".

Then don't forget Wii Fever 2 : Wii Fit boogaloo. We had a group email set up at work for sighting alerts.