Submitted by balou918 t3_ykl8mv in pittsburgh

A couple days ago someone posted on this sub that the Walmart at Waterworks was closing on November 11th, and everything was half price. I just got there and they told me that the store now closes at 7pm (it used to be 10 or 11pm), but more surprisingly, that they haven’t let people in since 5. The security guard outside told me that many customers are spending about 2h there, and that’s why they have that policy now. What the heck do you do spending 2h at Walmart!?



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beerded_dragon412 t1_iuu2ss9 wrote

The check out lines wrap around the store, went yesterday probably took me a good hour n a half to check out


B0bb3r7 t1_iuuft8t wrote

It's so easy to spend 2 hours there. Then again, none of them are convenient for me to get to, so the whole trip is an event.


magentaapplesauce t1_iuuh735 wrote

I spent an hour and a half in line earlier, and wasn't able to get in earlier in the week because of the long lines, according to the security standing out front.

It's supposed to be 75% Friday, people were saying, though I'm not sure what will be left then.


TrueCR t1_iuuv5mz wrote

My friend once lived in Walmart for 3 days (Of course with the permission of Walmart) to "wait in line" for a Wii.


SystemOfADowneyJr t1_iuux6ad wrote

Dude I can easily spend 2 hours in Walmart. And if I eat a few boneless chicken wings from the deli while I shop? Shit, that's another 2 hours.


TrueCR t1_iuv8yel wrote

I am, we were even in high school. The best part is my other friend went to Sams club the day the wii was released and didn’t have to wait at all to buy it


Wise_Platypus5062 t1_iux2hju wrote

I went yesterday and you could totally spend two hours there-- the store is super disorganized with workers bringing out boxes of inventory and setting it up in various areas of the store. The line was also super long-- if you do go plan on getting 10 or less items and checking out in the electronics department.


CARLEtheCamry t1_iuxfi3u wrote

It was such a good system. My parents even bought one, never owned a console before in their life and still refer to every one (like if they saw my PS4) as "The Nintendo".

Then don't forget Wii Fever 2 : Wii Fit boogaloo. We had a group email set up at work for sighting alerts.


beerded_dragon412 t1_iuxguwi wrote

Not really. Like all the big ticket items were already gone, toys were pretty picked over (was hoping to knock out Christmas shopping) only big score was I usually drink an energy drink a day and they had Ashocs for like $2 and then half off and with a bunch of buy 2 get $1 off coupons on the can so I was able to get like 80 of them for like 50 cents each.