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TSOD t1_iv29gbg wrote

Are you trying to live in the city or are you okay with more rural areas?


cupcake142 OP t1_iv2q7kt wrote

We will be living in the suburbs in the Clinton area!


TSOD t1_iv2ro2g wrote

You're out far enough that it won't be too too hard to break in. I know people who work in the Moon SD and Cornell SD. Moon's students as easier to teach but Cornell's probably easier to get a job in. Quaker Valley across the river is a top tier district, but very hard to get a job in.

Here's a map of the school districts:

Worth just putting out feelers and checking job boards of everything around you. I'd hold out for a non-charter job, they pay significantly less and subbing will get you into a district faster than charter schools if you already have years of experience.

Good luck!


cupcake142 OP t1_iv2tf20 wrote

Thank you SO much!!


TSOD t1_iv35ket wrote

A lot of those districts are also going to hire people they like, so when you’re subbing make sure you’re personable and someone other people remember and want to work with. Most teachers are in a district for life so they’re going to go to bat for people who care and aren’t hard to work with.

There’s a lot of qualified teachers so the intangibles make a big difference. Good luck!