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MillicentGergich t1_ixisuzk wrote

There should be an option for No, but I wish.


10malesics t1_ixm0227 wrote

That could be your dish!


MillicentGergich t1_ixog9qd wrote

I was assigned a vegetable this year. Macaroni and cheese has never been on the family’s menu! But now thanks to this conversation I have requested to add it starting next year!


PGHxplant t1_ixjcj97 wrote

Definitely no, but I wish! Honestly, as a white northeasterner I had absolutely no idea mac & cheese was thing for Thanksgiving until the last decade or so. We were definitely missing out.


pong1101 t1_ixj1oz0 wrote

If you can’t put gravy on it I’m not eating it


DeleteSystem33 t1_ixi9v0w wrote

It's just my wife and I so it'll have whatever we feel like actually making tomorrow morning when it's Go Time. Turkey and mashed potatoes are a definite but pretty much all the sides are "What sounds good right now? Let's make that."


dropkickpa t1_ixih92e wrote

Needs a sometimes option! It's always a bring along dish at my house, so entirely dependant on someone deciding that's their choice to make that year.


swoon_baby t1_ixj6xii wrote

Added it last minute when I realized I got tipsy and kept inviting more people who actually RSVP’d yes!


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_ixkzmbs wrote

Only baked macaroni a cheese, but I'm assuming that's what you meant because if anyone came to Thanksgiving with Kraft mac and cheese they're being shown the door.


Klschue t1_ixid6nq wrote

Some years! This year - yes


PaApprazer t1_ixjamex wrote

It might, what time is dinner?


Old_Science4946 t1_ixlarj5 wrote

i don’t think there’s any sort of macaroni and cheese recipe in my family. we’re THAT kind of appalachian.


Wouldwoodchuck t1_ixiyru3 wrote

If no, but I wish….Chic Filets is open today…. Better than some and definitely better than none. Imho


mamallamam t1_ixk1onx wrote

That's our main dish this year!


malepitt t1_ixi9vo9 wrote

Does your Thanksgiving meal have grandkids under the age of 5? Ours does, so of course we'll have mac n cheese, and even vegan mac n cheese for their Mom.


dingurth1 t1_ixihuc8 wrote

you're not too good for mac and cheese, mac and cheese is too good for you

enjoy your green bean casserole mr adult

edit: I see your sneaky edit <__<