Submitted by apersello34 t3_z7bk7n in pittsburgh

I went on a backpacking trip about a week ago and my knee has been hurting pretty bad ever since. I’ve been reduced to a limp and it hasn’t been getting any better. I’m hoping to get it looked at ASAP. Anyone know if any orthopedists would generally have availability that soon? Or would I have to go to an Urgent Care?

I [24M] moved here about 5 years ago, but have never been to a doctor here, so I don’t have a PCP or anything.



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timesuck t1_iy5q5bq wrote

Sorry about your knee.

Fairly certain AHN offers same day specialty appointments, including orthopedics. In my experience sometimes same day means more like same week, but that’s still better than different month. I’d call (412) DOCTORS and see if they have anything available.

You can also try the UPMC Rooney Sports Complex in the South Side. Huge facility and they can usually get you in pretty quickly.

Regardless, stress to whoever you talk to the difficulty walking and how it’s getting worse not better. Hope someone’s able to take a look at it soon.


PirinTablets13 t1_iy74xvy wrote

Highly recommend the ortho docs at AHN. Both my spouse and I have had surgery through them with excellent results.


B0bb3r7 t1_iy5vxwz wrote

Once you get your knee evaluated, don't forget to establish care with a PCP! This won't be the first time that you have some sort of medical surprise and they are so helpful to have when it happens.


Beeftoday t1_iy6imjg wrote

i high recommend all the ortho options everyone here has mentioned.

do not go to the urgent care. I completely tore my acl, grade 1 tears to lcl and mcl, tore both meniscus and just had surgery last week. the urgent care diagnosed me with a calf sprain.


pghgreatest t1_iy6nmuw wrote

that’s horrible , did you file a complaint ?


Beeftoday t1_iy6vzyn wrote

no. in their defense i did have pain in the back lower part of my knee on the left, so i guess that is what made her think it was the calf since i was walking and my pain levels were minimal, but im still kinda flabbergasted by it.

i ended up calling an ortho after a week when i still couldn't put weight on it and was having issues moving my leg mainly at the knee. he though it was maybe a small meniscus tear that could be rehabbed with pt. this is why mri's are so important with knee injuries. Since my body was naturally guarding the injury i passed all the tests tht checked for ligament damage and more severe meniscus damage.

a lot of people assume injuries like that are unbearable, more than likely what the pa at urgent care did and why she diagnosed it as a mild calf sprain, but i was able to walk pretty normal and was pain free before my surgery.


pghgreatest t1_iy8qwwy wrote

Hope you are better now


Beeftoday t1_iy8wib8 wrote

thank you. i had my surgery last week, will be on crutches until end of jan/feb but on the mend now.


moonwish22 t1_iy5tuvu wrote

You can see a physical therapist without a referral! They can assess you and they will either treat you, treat you and refer out to an orthopedic, or tell you is you need to just see an orthopedic. Either way, it’s a way to get assess and probably treated while you have to wait for an orthopedic appointment.


Jasalth00 t1_iy5t7rv wrote

Not knowing where you are at, I figure I would put out 2 options as not knee but ankle injuries and know how horrible it can be driving!

​ Walk in clinics off McKnight Road and in Seven Fields (up Cranberry way) from 4:30-6:30p

​ Ortho Walk-in's on Monday and Friday 8am-3pm at St Clair Hospital and in Washington by the Meadows, but you probably don't want to wait until Friday.


The 1st one actually has a bunch of offices not just in the North Hills also, and I personally never really had a problem getting seen at one in a decent time frame if north doesn't work for you, wouldn't hurt to call in the morning if you are out of other options!


MrColdfusion t1_iy61uty wrote

Many good resources here already but I’ll add a data point.

Both AHN or UPMC, if you call their ortho department you can get appointments within 2 days as long you don’t care which doctor it’s with.


HaulAssAcres t1_iy5po8s wrote

Search specifically for orthopedic urgent care. Some of the ortho offices have their own urgent care hours where you can walk in.


friskimykitty t1_iy5sc74 wrote

I went to one out in Cranberry I think it was. Can’t remember the name.


GorodetskyA t1_iy5uuk7 wrote

Tri state orthopedics has Ortho urgent cares, I think times and dates vary based on location.


hippo16271 t1_iy95iwc wrote

Sorry you’re knee is hurting. I have no advice on ortho but I’ve been getting pain after hiking in my knees and started doing the knees over toes guy zero program. I’m only a few weeks in, but once you’re feeling better and pain free it might be worth looking into to mitigate issues in the future.


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_iy95xz2 wrote

I went to Three Rivers Orthopedic Associates by St. Margaret's when I broke my ankle. They were really good and got me in pretty quick.


Willow-girl t1_iy6dppl wrote

In the meantime, wrap it or hit the drugstore and get an elastic knee brace. You'll be surprised what a difference the support makes!

And remember RICE ... rest, ice, compression, elevation.