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Caiterz4catzz t1_iy380ya wrote

This makes me think of a scammer who used to hang out around those garages 10-15 years ago. Her bit was to ask for money to get her car out of the garage so she could pick up her daughter blah blah, she lost her wallet blah blah. She was dressed pretty fancy which made it somewhat believable. I was doubtful the first time but then when I encountered her again I was like NO


NandoDeColonoscopy t1_iy3gksb wrote

This literally happened to me at Southside Works once. I parked, and then realized too late that I had left my wallet at home. Nobody i approached believed me, and eventually a friend had to drive down and give me money.

Which means I would be a terrible scammer


puppy_fan t1_iy3dliu wrote

Happened to me too. Got scammed once in Market Square and the same person tried again like 6 months later. They didn't even realize who they were trying to scam again.