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emp-sup-bry t1_iy3qrmv wrote

Important to note for those that may be on the fence about voting:

How will this money be raised?

The Biden Administration’s recent legislation to support the creation of infrastructure that will reduce climate change, increase equity and redress previous infrastructure gaps in disadvantaged communities, presents an unprecedented opportunity to secure funding for this critical property. We are grateful to Susan Crookston for leading this effort on behalf of the Park and the many municipalities, legislators, the City of Pittsburgh and other organizations that have reached out to offer their support.


sebileis t1_iy3uk54 wrote

I don’t see how ripping out rail infrastructure and forcing more freight traffic to trucks on our already overwhelmed road network is going to help with climate change. I also don’t appreciate (as outlined in the article) pandemic relief money being used on a vanity trail project instead of to businesses and families in need or helping keep existing infrastructure and public transit operations afloat.


mmphoto412 t1_iy3vlse wrote

Do some research.

AVRR was willing to sell it, as that stretch of rail no longer has any rail customers. The last customer, a scrap yard, closed in 2015.

If it wasn’t for this repurposing, it would have just rotted away


[deleted] t1_iy3vz2y wrote



mmphoto412 t1_iy3xhfn wrote

I’m aware of those studies. Guess what there is no existing passenger rail for it to connect to. So that’s not realistic.

Regardless you’re making bad faith statements. Your comments indicate that the Brilliant line is an actively used freight rail line, and Riverlife somehow how forced a sale. The result is that rail traffic (which doesn’t exist) is moved to trucks. Like I said this hasn’t been used since 2015.


[deleted] t1_iy3xq4z wrote



mmphoto412 t1_iy3ybza wrote

Cute, name calling 🙄


[deleted] t1_iy3ypdn wrote



GargantuanWitch t1_iy40pqy wrote

My car doesn't use gas. I haven't been to a gas station in years, thanks.


[deleted] t1_iy40v0e wrote



GargantuanWitch t1_iy41wvt wrote

I dunno how it feels, because I don't have a Tesla.

Take another swing, champ. You almost got a piece of that one!


threwthelookinggrass t1_iy3vjm0 wrote

It’s unused rail infrastructure. There are no longer rail customers along the brilliant branch. The last one (AZCON scrap) closed 7 years ago. Since then, AVR hasn’t used it except for twice as a bypass when they were repairing whatever usual route they take to the Pittsburgh line. AVR is willing to sell it after all, it’s not like it’s being taken from them.


[deleted] t1_iy3vvy2 wrote



threwthelookinggrass t1_iy3zixn wrote

I’m all for trains, but this decision literally is adding 0 more trucks to roads as it has been unused for 7 years.

For this to be viable for passenger service it’d be a massive undertaking involving buying land from an additional railway (NS?) and then changing the gauge of the rail to whatever PRT uses. Unless the plan is to create some other form of passenger rail or just extend Amtrak service up there which is way more wishful thinking.

I don’t get how AVR is shooting themselves in the foot by offloading something that generates no revenue and hasn’t for 7 years.


GargantuanWitch t1_iy3xq6g wrote

So we're all idiots because we're not willing to continue waiting for passenger trains to come back after 40 years?


[deleted] t1_iy3xudf wrote



GargantuanWitch t1_iy3yubi wrote

I don't think either of those things, actually. But I do think that infra that hasn't seen regular use should definitely be re-purposed, yes. It's odd that you think this makes me an idiot.


[deleted] t1_iy3z03c wrote



GargantuanWitch t1_iy3zvmf wrote

A valuable connection that hasn't had a customer for 8 years, but I'm the one who's shit in your Wheaties, apparently, because I don't share your love of PRT buses.