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VespiWalsh t1_iwct3es wrote

Considering how they are using union busting techniques, I wouldn't call them pro-union. Also that article says 35 stores renewed their contracts, GE has 480 stores, so what about the other 445 stores? Also they start people off at 10 dollars an hour, that is a poverty wage for a union. Just because a company uses a union, doesn't automatically mean that company is pro-worker. Good luck getting a full time position there. Anyway after searching online for 15 minutes for a list, there isn't one that is easily accessible, and that is about all the time I am willing to contribute to this part of the conversation. As much as I hate to say it, workers are probably better off at Walmart, where they at least have advancement opportunities.

Also why does it matter if they have unions? They have clearly demonstrated they are anti-consumer with their price gouging. They don't give a fuck about workers or consumers, only their bottom line. I'll stick to a pragmatic approach, I don't have time to think about higher ideals when it comes to securing food because I need to survive. I'll stick to fighting the injustices that don't require me to starve to have integrity.