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jafomofo t1_iwvn3gv wrote

you'd have to be a raging asshole to crash someones wedding over a professional dispute.


chuckie512 t1_iwvvx0z wrote

You have to be a pretty big asshole to cut someone's health insurance too.


ventorun t1_iwwwau3 wrote

You’d have to be a pretty big asshole to not go find a job elsewhere. Democrats love saying that to those working in oil and gas…so fuck you if you don’t walk the walk yourself, right?


spankbuttmctallylick t1_iwyb9l1 wrote

Interesting take. Politics wasn’t mentioned here until you brought it up to, I’m assuming, “own the libs.” Solely based on that assumption….are they owned?


CovenOfLovin t1_iwyp6uu wrote

Consider that taking away someone's health care can ruin their life out of work. So: Fuck this brat