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ricksebak t1_iwv5kow wrote

“Smithers, get me some strike breakers, the kind they had in the thirties” responded John Block.


toolatetobeoriginal t1_iwwksu5 wrote

Duquense Club, tomorrow (9/19), at 3:30. Wear silly tux shirts and your wedding gown(s). Also bring pots and pans to smack around and kazoos.

Edit: 11/19


blackstarhero666 t1_ix179v5 wrote

U shoulda seen these fuckers outfits today... One dude had a cape... Like ok dracula


chuckie512 t1_iwy1fpy wrote

Is there an alley they might be using over the front door? Maybe some people should be on that side too


[deleted] t1_iwvnngx wrote



Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iwvs5qn wrote

Nah, fucking over your workers is lame as fuck.


ventorun t1_iwwwdwf wrote

Not getting a different job when the writing is on the wall is lame as fuck.


confusedhealthcare19 t1_ix0bkej wrote

Boo hoo one rich guy has his wedding plans inconvenienced. Why don't you spit shine his shoes, you're simping for him hard enough.


chuckie512 t1_iwvvtr9 wrote

Cutting the health insurance of your printers is pretty lame too.


[deleted] t1_iww0xv6 wrote



chuckie512 t1_iww1t4h wrote

By taking away their insurance their boss is saying "I don't care if you live or die"

By bringing pots and pans to his reception the employees are saying "I don't care if you have a good evening"

I personally don't think they're going far enough.


[deleted] t1_iww24p1 wrote



chuckie512 t1_iww2acz wrote

Is it?


dockows412 t1_iwx2bww wrote

Is the Pittsburgh sub just a local r/ anti work circle jerk now?


historyhill t1_iwxb0vu wrote

Lemme tell you a bit about the Battle of Homestead...


Educational-Scar-559 t1_iwxt6i9 wrote

Organized labor is hundreds of years old... why do reactionaries think everything was born on social media?


CovenOfLovin t1_iwyp3yb wrote

Pittsburgh has a long labor history. Fuck those who step on the worker.


blackstarhero666 t1_ix17pb8 wrote

Please read up on this city and it's history... U know if ur a student u can get into the history center at low cost. Utilize it


jafomofo t1_iwvn3gv wrote

you'd have to be a raging asshole to crash someones wedding over a professional dispute.


chuckie512 t1_iwvvx0z wrote

You have to be a pretty big asshole to cut someone's health insurance too.


ventorun t1_iwwwau3 wrote

You’d have to be a pretty big asshole to not go find a job elsewhere. Democrats love saying that to those working in oil and gas…so fuck you if you don’t walk the walk yourself, right?


spankbuttmctallylick t1_iwyb9l1 wrote

Interesting take. Politics wasn’t mentioned here until you brought it up to, I’m assuming, “own the libs.” Solely based on that assumption….are they owned?


CovenOfLovin t1_iwyp6uu wrote

Consider that taking away someone's health care can ruin their life out of work. So: Fuck this brat