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username-1787 t1_ivg77qn wrote

They don't care who was ahead at midnight either. They're just opposed to the concept of democratic elections in general


ScratchMoore t1_ivg6zqg wrote

And they admit it! They want to stop the counts and come up with these laws as a way to make their whining sound legitimate.


YYYY t1_ivhq3vj wrote

>“Pennsylvania is one of only eight states that bans pre-processing of early mail-in ballots, forcing county officials to wait until 7 a.m. on Tuesday to begin opening returned ballots and scanning them into the system.”"

Keep in mind the the state Republican legislature set it up this way.


demichr t1_ivgmitp wrote

The GOP has allwsys been a propoent of mail in balloting UNTILL TRUMP. The late counting played into his 300 AM cheat. Since around then the mail ins are usually posted. All because of trump ego that he want cheating instead of losing.


drewbaccaAWD t1_ivgw79s wrote

GOP isn't a fan of vote by mail and they were against this even before Trump. Lower propensity voters tend to vote Democrat and they are more likely to vote by mail than on election day... GOP is aware of this and tries to stop it from happening. They don't want it to be easy, they want the party faithful willing to crawl over broken glass to be the only ones to show up. The fewer the number of voters, the more it inherently benefits the GOP.

What changed with Trump is that he actively saw voting by mail as a way of creating chaos in the midst of a pandemic, knowing that by discouraging his supporters from voting that way there would be a larger disparity than usual between in-person voting and mail in ballots. It was all part of his master plan to just claim victory with many votes left uncounted... the only possible way this tosser could ever win by anything remotely close to the landslide he claims.


ScratchMoore t1_ivh7bwm wrote

What amazes me the most is that he is on record, recorded on video/audio, admitting that if he didn’t like the results, he would simply say it was rigged.

He told everyone he would lie, and his chucklefuck followers STILL THINK IT HAPPENED.

No amount of logic or reason will ever be able to crack through the dense skulls of MAGAts. And they are already admitting that they will only accept results that Republicans win, and will challenge any Democrat victories.

Fuck MAGA forever.


[deleted] t1_ivhpbof wrote

Thank you for typing something I haven't heard / seen in a while - chucklefuck. It gave me a good laugh, which was needed!


demichr t1_ivhw4nv wrote

A large segment of GOP felt that Sr. voters would go R and mail in would max Sr vote


Lord_Kano t1_ivk4uiq wrote

>What changed with Trump is that he actively saw voting by mail as a way of creating chaos in the midst of a pandemic, knowing that by discouraging his supporters from voting that way there would be a larger disparity than usual between in-person voting and mail in ballots.

I don't think that Trump is capable of this level of calculation.


drewbaccaAWD t1_ivl0oux wrote

No, but I don't think Trump is capable of looking at a tax form either. He hires more intelligent people to do actual work he isn't capable of.

Several of his inner circle, most notably Steve Bannon, are on video stating this was the plan well ahead of the election.


cocksherpa2 t1_ivhfepm wrote

Who exactly do you think passed our current mail in voting laws if not the Republicans?


drewbaccaAWD t1_ivi71ol wrote

It was state senator Boscola's (D) bill and ultimately signed by Wolf (D).. It was a bipartisan bill in which state R's were initially willing to accept the no excuse required absentee voting that the D's wanted in exchange for eliminating the party line vote, amongst other things. It wasn't an R bill and the expansion of mail in voting was something the D's were pushing, not the R's.

Granted, the R's did ultimately vote for it. And a good number of D's upset with the amendments ultimately chose to not vote for it. Ironic that it's now the R's who want it deemed unconstitutional and thrown out. They claim they were "duped" and the bill doesn't represent what they voted for... Mastriano has written a couple of op-eds on the subject.

Perhaps it's not an issue that falls along a strict partisan divide but you need to look beyond just PA to GOP opinions across the board. Jeff Essmann, the Montana GOP chair didn't hold back his thoughts when his state was debating this in 2017 (long before Trump weighed in on any of this). I lived in WA state for a while and all the pushback I saw to the mail in ballots were coming from R's... and this was back in 2008ish when I was stationed there. Here's Texas AG Ken Paxton's take on the topic granted this came after 2020's general election.

There's also the issue of GOP obsession with voter ID laws which don't line up well with any sort of mail-in ballot which dates well before the 2020 election and any input from Trump sycophants.

And of course there was also this slip up to the SCOTUS, in which a GOP lawyer admits that more restrictions benefit the GOP... reducing mail-in ballots is one form of restriction although maybe the PA GOP wasn't in on the game in 2019 when they ultimately voted for Act 77 before turning on it.


demichr t1_ivhpi8x wrote

They thought they had the senior vote locked. And mail in was the best. The tRump cdme along