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FuzzPunkMutt t1_ivgyeg9 wrote

The absolute stupidity presented when you say Fetterman is fake so your rooting for a quack tv personality.


LL_is_a_Cool_J t1_ivhcoh1 wrote

Did I say I was voting for OZ?

Not hardly Lil' Buckaroo.

Want to talk stupidity? It's pretty fucking stupid thinking there are only two people on the ballot for senate.

Fetterman is fake. His persona is built on him being the average working man, wearing his Carhartts and sitting in his brick basement.

But it's a show, a false front, a con.

Just like Oz, Fetterman is a fake.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_ivhezkb wrote

>Not hardly Lil' Buckaroo.

Jesus, you're annoying as fuck. Good luck with that.


LL_is_a_Cool_J t1_ivi8qmn wrote

And you're one of those people that makes shit up from whole cloth.

I never mentioned Oz, and never in the hell said I was rooting for him.

The annoying as fuck people are those like you who cannot focus on a comment without putting your own ingrained beliefs into your next comment when it has no bearing.

You literally got mad because I called out Fettermans fake working man shtick. It caused you so much grief that you had to make up a lie about what I said to make your fragile ego feel better about a politician.


Go find a serious post where I rooted for Oz, not one where is was playing devils advocate or being outright sarcastic.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_ivjkv5u wrote

I couldn't care less if you just want to throw away your vote. That's your choice.

I called you annoying because of how you present yourself -- so let us be clear on that. Kthanks.


LL_is_a_Cool_J t1_ivk9tpc wrote

First day on the internet?

Here you will find people who communicate differently than your own circle in real life.

I called you a Lil' Buckaroo because you imagined something that wasn't there. Like a little child would while playing Cowboys and Indians or something. It was a joke. But you couldn't see that because of your own preconceived notions about "Republicans who are voting for Oz" or some shit.

So there's that.

Ahh, the old "throw away your vote" line...

If I vote how am I throwing it away? If the two major parties present candidates that I do not agree with why should either of them receive my vote?

The two major parties through their closed primaries do not allow me any input on who the candidates are so why would you think I am duty bound to give my vote to one of their picks?

In the presidential election almost 30% of eligible voters didn't even vote. But somehow I am throwing my vote away by showing up and casting my votes for the people that most closely represent my values and beliefs? Really?

Those 30% are the ones "throwing" away their vote, by not voting.

That's 30% of people that no party, including yours and which other major party is not yours, could not put up a candidate to attract those 30% to even bother showing up to vote.

And I'm "throwing away" my vote?

No, I am not. I will sleep very well tonight knowing that I did not cast my vote for someone who I consider either a carpet bagger or a closet racist.

I will sleep very well knowing that I did not participate in the "lesser of two evils" method of voting that the two parties have foisted upon us.

I will sleep very well knowing that I was not in any way responsible for sending one of two liars, one of two con men to the Senate where they will be bought off by lobbyists.

Can you say the same?