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demichr t1_ivhpaya wrote

The time is gettig them out of envelopes and ready for scanner. Tech cant get much faster.


tesla3by3 t1_ivhrd2x wrote

Which is why I said earlier I would not be opposed to opening and unfolding the ballots in advance.

Or building the technologies to prepare the ballots for scanning.


demichr t1_ivhwohd wrote

Oart of the prep is validation and scanner tech is pretty much maxed out. Usually the faster you the more jams u get you reach a sweet spot for speed / accuracy.


tesla3by3 t1_ivhwydq wrote

Ya need to edit that.


demichr t1_ivhxqsq wrote

Wea... not very nimble with a phone I am a desktop full keyboard guy


tesla3by3 t1_ivhy7de wrote

Lol. Same here I have the fattest fingers known to man