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woodcuttersDaughter t1_iwu6awz wrote

How does that even happen? You’d have to try to get on the wrong side.


moody_dudey t1_iwurxi0 wrote

> How does that even happen?

I also want to know how having the state police on speed dial happened lol


CertifiedTrashPanda t1_iwxbpxj wrote

They have their own emergency dispatch number, it's frankly better than calling 911 cause the county will just transfer you to the state police number anyway. Saves you 20-30 seconds.

Only works on highways and if it's something like an accident with injuries just call 911 so they can dispatch ambulance/fire first.


ravia OP t1_ixcy7ay wrote

Only around here; it's the Moon base. lol.

I tried it around Erie and they had to direct me to another number or I think call 911. Can't remember which.


trail-coffee t1_iwue4wt wrote

Wonder if they came down 279, seems like people go the wrong way on 279 all the time.


CL-MotoTech t1_iwufenn wrote

They had to have done a U-turn. Absolutely nuts.


JJGeneral1 t1_iww5btc wrote

Had someone Halloween weekend who was coming north in the south lanes of 279 at the north shore off ramp… watched them pull a u turn in front of about 5 other cars and go up 65… like… how do you fuck that up so bad?


AmazingIsTired t1_iwusdnr wrote

Being under the influence would be the highest percentage of reasons for this. Additionally, altered states of mind brought on by depression, manic episodes, or dementia would make up the majority of other causes. I'll throw sleep deprivation and confusion general Pittsburgh road confusion in there as well.


TheLiberator117 t1_iwuq5o6 wrote

Could have come up off of commonwealth place? That's all I can think of really.


michaelchuck88 t1_iwut0de wrote

Or Grant Street I guess but Commonwealth Place would make more sense. And by sense I mean what little sense there is. Really just crazy if true.


TheLiberator117 t1_iwuvduk wrote

none of them make sense, but like, that's the only one that I can really imagine.


StormFreak t1_iwv75no wrote

I was thinking of Commonwealth Place too, but you'd have to ignore the mass of Do Not Enter and Wrong Way signs...