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ravia OP t1_iwts1ky wrote

Fourth time I've experienced that in 20 years of driving a cab. Only one in the tunnel. One was Boulevard of the Allies, me outbound. Connector to Fort Duquesne Bridge (heading toward 10th Street Bypass, someone popped out of the little tunnel). Another on Ohio River Boulevard around Avalon.


stonedchapo t1_iwu2sjz wrote

Scary as fuck. I’ve never seen it.


Legitimate_Soft5585 t1_iwu4t16 wrote

What?!?! Glad you're safe. I hope everyone else is! Take care.


woodcuttersDaughter t1_iwu6awz wrote

How does that even happen? You’d have to try to get on the wrong side.


Paranoidexboyfriend t1_iwu94ri wrote

Ha that’s nothing l, I was going through there the other day and there were dozens of cars going the wrong way!


sdoc86 t1_iwuc6y9 wrote

You had me in the first half


gimmedemplants t1_iwucsw7 wrote

Last night at about 9pm we were driving across the Liberty Bridge, about to enter the Liberty Tunnels going outbound. Some idiot from Ohio decided to try to make a left hand turn onto the PJ McArdle Roadway at the light (which says no left turn!). We watched him slam on his breaks when he realized that there was traffic coming out of the inbound tunnels, but then he still attempted to make the turn! By that point, we were in the other tunnels, so I have no idea what happened, but damn, what an idiot.


trail-coffee t1_iwueeqk wrote

I’ve seen that one before. Drunk lady leaned out to flip everybody off honking at her stopped with the left blinker on directly in front of “no left turn” sign.


The drunk lady was not the one driving


BlacknightEM21 t1_iwugq5f wrote

I had this happen to me last year on I79-N near the southpointe exit. Around 9-10PM, I suddenly see headlights in my lane. It was scary.

Yours seems even scarier. I don’t understand why some people risk other people’s lives.


Willow-girl t1_iwuh397 wrote

Wife calls her husband's cellphone, says, "Honey, be careful -- I just heard on the news that some idiot is driving the wrong way on the expressway."

"Oh, you have no idea," her husband replies. "It's not just one -- it's hundreds of them!"


probably_art t1_iwujlrt wrote

Did you post this while driving?


Low-Ear-2171 t1_iwukx7z wrote

How in the world would they get on the top deck to get in the tunnel anyway!? They had to know that they were on the wrong road even before they got in the tunnel!!! That would take some effort. WTH.


n_psycho t1_iwuo1ah wrote

Well that's not how that's supposed to go.


michaelchuck88 t1_iwus9ep wrote

The cab driver was heading into town (inbound) via 376E through the Fort Pitt tunnels. The moron driver going the opposite direction was using the inbound lane to go outbound. I’m not even entirely sure how it’s possible.


AmazingIsTired t1_iwusdnr wrote

Being under the influence would be the highest percentage of reasons for this. Additionally, altered states of mind brought on by depression, manic episodes, or dementia would make up the majority of other causes. I'll throw sleep deprivation and confusion general Pittsburgh road confusion in there as well.


Beyond_Interesting t1_iwuwrg5 wrote

Moron or possibly a jackals, or elderly/having a health crisis. My sister was driving down i70 and saw a driver driving the qrong way and slowed her down and pulled her over. Ironically/randomly, it was grandma! We had to get her evaluated and get her license revoked.


[deleted] t1_iwuy2oq wrote

oh man, this deff needs to be clarified.
At first I was

But now, HOLY FUCK.


mishugana t1_iwv0f6x wrote

You think that’s something? I just went down the Fort Pitt Tunnel and pretty much every car was going the wrong way!!!


<joke joke joke, its a joke>


Racer187 t1_iwv1l7v wrote

Could certainly have been an attempted suicide and, luckily for you, your cab was not a large enough target.


SabotUp007 t1_iwv9hbj wrote

Pro tip for driving safely at night… do not travel in the passing lane. The overwhelming majority of head on wrong way collisions occur in the passing lane because the wrong way driver thinks they’re in the correct lane.


dementedturnip26 t1_iwvarch wrote

This is fine. Per people on here we should trust people to see their own speed limits and traffic laws


soxie16 t1_iwvebhi wrote

I was driving to get my friend after work one late night and I was on the west end bridge and I took the on ramp to 279. There was a black car, abandoned, parked going the wrong way half way down the onramp. Of course it was winter and snowing so I didn't see the car until too late. I swerved, hit a patch of black ice and ended up hitting the jersey barrier a bit further down. They had to be driving the wrong way on 279 for quite a while before they got to the onramp.


Karma4Clunkerz t1_iwvqmdj wrote

How are they going in the opposite direction while passing you in the tunnel they would’ve been heading into oncoming traffic for a while


ravia OP t1_iwvrndx wrote

Well, they got in the bridge I assume but I'm not sure where from. I can't even think it backwards, but then again, how about from just like the off ramp that leads to Liberty, so they came onto the DO NOT ENTER part of the bridge ramp, rather than the correct side, which puts you on the lower level?


Karma4Clunkerz t1_iwvt23i wrote

Speed limits halt progress in efficient travel. We need to revamp the licensing system to one federal test with teired licenses so better drivers are afforded the ability to travel more efficiently. If Jeff Gordon can go 100+ on a packed NASCAR track he shouldn’t have to follow the same rules as my grandmother


[deleted] t1_iwvwfc2 wrote

Any scenario involving a car coming directly at you, is terrifying. With that being said:

There is no comparison between someone coming head on down the highway vs inside a tunnel. You can jerk the wheel and there’s shoulders, barriers, hopefully forgiving medians. But a tunnel? I don’t like the thought of it.


PGHNeil t1_iww0bpr wrote

He's clearly from out of town; most yinzers slow down to 40 inside the tunnels on a good day. He's probably already home.


milkmanrichie t1_iww45pg wrote

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


JJGeneral1 t1_iww5btc wrote

Had someone Halloween weekend who was coming north in the south lanes of 279 at the north shore off ramp… watched them pull a u turn in front of about 5 other cars and go up 65… like… how do you fuck that up so bad?


PGHNeil t1_iwwanak wrote

I don't understand the concern if he's doing 65 or why it's a concern if you were coming out of the tunnel while he was coming in. I'd be more concerned if he were switching lanes inside the tunnel, which some idiots are known for. I regularly drive through the Ft. Pitt, Liberty and Squirrel Hills tunnels and find that the traffic through latter and into the Parkway East is sometimes more aggressive. FWIW I sometimes get up to 65 inside the tunnel if traffic is light, but I'm not one to switch lanes or tailgate. I just learned to drive in another area that also has tunnels, but less traffic.


ravia OP t1_iwwgfc9 wrote

He was going in the opposite direction, headed westbound, while I was headed eastbound along with the rest of the traffic. Fortunately there was very little traffic. And fortunately he stayed in "his" lane. He was driving the wrong way.


nkrayer t1_iwwlmt4 wrote

Well, it is Friday afternoon...


stauss151 t1_iwwxtl0 wrote

How can you even get that far in the wrong direction. Traffic flow is usually heavy, or at the very least present


SabotUp007 t1_iwx5axc wrote

That’s a good question. Hitting a deer is obviously far less potentially deadly then being struck head on by a wrong way driver on the highway. However, you’re probably more likely to hit a deer then be hit by a wrong way driver.

Personally, I’ll take the deer. I’ve yet to see a fatal accident from hitting a deer. I know they happen, but I haven’t seen one yet. What I have seen is multiple deadly head on collisions.

Be safe, use good judgement.


cdelaney1982 t1_iwxbpt2 wrote

I thought they meant they just went around them in the tunnel at first and I was like I see this pretty often what's the bfd? 😂😂😂 but now I'm about to pull up pulse point and be a nebshit about it


CertifiedTrashPanda t1_iwxbpxj wrote

They have their own emergency dispatch number, it's frankly better than calling 911 cause the county will just transfer you to the state police number anyway. Saves you 20-30 seconds.

Only works on highways and if it's something like an accident with injuries just call 911 so they can dispatch ambulance/fire first.


pparhplar t1_iwxbvdj wrote

In the original design, when this highway was going to be more of an urban boulevard, not an interstate, there is a connection between the upper and lower level on the north end of the tunnel. I would have to expect that is has been barricaded or blocked, unless it is used for emergency situations.


StevInPitt t1_iwxikb7 wrote

agreed the only other way i can see is a really goofy up the exit off of liberty or the Blvd of the Allies and both of those require a reallllllly long run across the bridge against traffic. Surely the tunnels have cameras to see the car... I wonder if they record?


TrooWizard t1_iwxjzzr wrote

I mean it's definitely possible especially if dui or suicidal. I don't question your thought, just surprised by the actions. I had someone pass me going about 70 south on 79 northbound near Grove City once. It's absolutely terrifying.


Powdrtostman t1_ixay8t9 wrote

I don't believe a god damned word of this story. Everyone knows there is a tunnel monster and the only way to safely proceed is to slow down to approximately 15mph as you near/enter the tunnel. No one goes 55 through the tunnel, liar.


ravia OP t1_ixdme69 wrote

I say they put animation stills along the wall of the tunnels, and you wear special glasses and the pictures play a cartoon about the tunnel monster when you look out the passenger window.