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Beeftoday t1_iy4dp0g wrote

i dont know what that has to do with me hating the bbq around here? you're really coming off as butt hurt that this bbq is not impressive in the slightest


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iy4e5x4 wrote

Okay that's fine, where is your favorite BBQ place in the entire world?


Beeftoday t1_iy4liql wrote

what kind of bbq are we talking? let me ask you a question. what do you actually know about bbq? cause these questions are getting stupid. you can't compare whole hog to texas style to kansas city.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iy4u0d2 wrote

Okay so you're a terribly difficult person to try and have a conversation with lol.


Beeftoday t1_iy5034v wrote

thats probably because it wasn't a conversation. you questioned my opinions, and i answered. i think you're just mad i don't think big rigs is good bbq cause you seemed to take it rather personal. you also won't tell me your experience with bbq. once i again whats you're favorite bbq in the whole world is so vague how can i begin to answer that? if you want recommendations for good bbq, the answer becomes dependent on other relevant factors.

are you only able to eat at one bbq place in austin? im gonna have to say franklins because its the go to classic. but if you want some really awesome bbq go to la barabaque, micklethwait, and leroy and lewis. drive up to fort worth for goldees.

want whole hog in nc, you have to have skylight inn and sam jones then pick a couple others,but nothing will top skylight. get some chicharrons for snacking later.

want to try and bbq at home, first off don't try to do it in a pellet smoker, they suck. make sure you know how to properly trim a brisket, something big rigs does not. choose your wood wisely, texas is known for post oak. watch some how to videos online. learn the important temps and times. meat will be absorbing the most smoke the first two hours of smoking. this is when your ring is formed and is why its important to not f it up.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iy50u74 wrote

I really do not care that you don't like Big Rig's, I'm sorry for asking you questions. Really, I am.


Beeftoday t1_iy52kg2 wrote

are you? cause questions like this, "You consider yourself a member of the local BBQ community but can't name a place you like?" is really snotty and you seemed to really question what kind of knowledge i have. so clearly something butthurt you in my responses.


Lil_Phantoms_Lawyer t1_iy53f6v wrote

Honestly you just sound like an asshole lol. But not because you don't like Big Rig's.


Beeftoday t1_iy57zfi wrote

probably because you wanted to instigate something since someone had a different opinion to you.