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Evening_Attention_45 t1_j1xswjm wrote

We’ve had 1 sunny day in the last 2 weeks. That does not go well with depression and lack of motivation!


_Shrugzz_ t1_j1xnnfi wrote

Apparently it’s suppose to go up to 60 next week. Which is great(?), and then re-adjust to below freezing temps again. Yayyyyy(?). I went to college in Erie. I accidentally learned how to drift ‘round bends on the back roads to avoid Peach St and get to class. I do love 60F, but I also like constancy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Beautiful picture! Also metaphorical me, an’all yinz’auht there. Go team!! 🙃


H3lue t1_j1xtiwx wrote

Get ready because with climate change you’re going to see increasingly less consistency in the weather


_Shrugzz_ t1_j21cntx wrote

We got a generator last year because of the storms. And thank goodness because our power went out on Friday. We have a gas fireplace so that helped with the heat, and then we used the generator for the fridge and other things. I would like to get solar panels but.. a few things, still thinking about it.

Edit: Let me say I do believe in global warming and I believe we’re realizing things are happening faster than scientists previously predicted. In 10 years things will look completely different. It’s one of the reasons I’m really glad to live here. Drought won’t be an immediate problem, and we’re not too close to the ocean. The hills and mountains slow or stop tornadoes, and so on.


PennSaddle t1_j1xv51w wrote

I grew up in Erie before moving here. Winter here is just sad. Barely any snow. Just cold, or worse, cold rain. Yes snow can be a PITA, but damn it looks a lot less depressing. You just need good tires.


_Shrugzz_ t1_j21dhbu wrote

Yess - I remember my mom calling me saying she couldn’t go to the store because it snowed. I said, “Mom, it snowed 2-3 inches there, it snowed 2.5 ft here and I still went to class!”. It’s a different mindset because you just deal with snow in Erie. Here, it’s now rain, ice, and snow.

I think it used to snow in December and then really really snow in January. Now it just is rainy/ice in December and the snow doesn’t really start until sometime in January. Like the seasons are shifting forward or something, but what do I know.


zombiebatman t1_j1xxn1w wrote

I love winter, but I would like it to get back above freezing so my pipes unfreeze and I can shower and flush the toilet and wash my dishes easily.


TransporterOffline t1_j1z5tzs wrote

That's an AWESOME pic! But I'm not down on winter... yet. That was a pretty hard freeze for just 3 days, now a pretty rapid warm-up. Check in again in late February lol. I have my fireplace ready for whatever comes next. :-)


greatbeardedman t1_j1x8vm2 wrote

Looks like most of my family for real 😂


padotim t1_j217vys wrote

It's light out at 5:00, days are getting longer already. It's going to be mid 50s this weekend. It took me 30 minutes to pick up my daughter, it took 50 minutes last week with Xmas traffic. We're over the hump!