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McJumpington t1_j1msay0 wrote

Prob shouldn’t potentially spread your kids illness to healthy people


Yinzer89 OP t1_j1mv0qw wrote

Pretty sure you can’t pass pneumonia and a double ear infection.

Thanks for your advice.

Have a great holiday.


McJumpington t1_j1mvyid wrote

Well many ear infections are the result of a contagious cold or respiratory virus … which is spreadable. Also- There are contagious forms of pneumonia.

No kid deserves either of those - hope they recover super quick.


LockedOutOfElfland t1_j1n5wcm wrote

I'm assuming the doctors already did the requisite testing and determined OP's kid doesn't have anything contagious.


McJumpington t1_j1nepsi wrote

Possibly, but often times doctors focus on treating the symptoms and not cautioning others potentially exposed to contagions. Like I said ear infections are the results of viruses or bacteria… this was likely a. Virus since both were infected. I received 4 ear infections in 3 months from my son bringing home contagious viruses. No doctor ever told me to stay home… they just treat the current symptoms. Not sure why people think it’s a dick thing to caution potential virus carriers not to expose it to others.

It’s Reddit though- everyone is so eager to be offended.
