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sebileis t1_j1rpu2l wrote

I can’t imagine it will be open very long with how Musk is running his own companies into the ground.


Confident_End_3848 t1_j1rsw6z wrote

Saw this in a Times article:

“Only a few months ago would-be buyers had to wait months for a new Tesla. Now the cars are available within days”

Musk is skewering Twitter and taking Tesla down with it.


PierogiPowered t1_j1rwlcj wrote

You know the saying:

"Go Alt-Right, go broke."


Woke politics are generally profitable, MAGA alt-right not so much.


Confident_End_3848 t1_j1rx1nw wrote

I don’t know if I completely agree, but I read somewhere that the whole idea behind electric cars is “woke”. Musk is pushing hard to be the head “anti-woke” cheerleader. It doesn’t make very good business sense.


TangibleHangnail t1_j1t8whu wrote

Well, he will have a fleet of evil robot cars in his woke customers' garages. I was one of the latter until a couple of years ago.


123isausernameforme OP t1_j1s1dl2 wrote

It's amazing how different sources can shine either a positive or negative light on the same situation. What you just quoted would have the reader believe no one wants the cars anymore. What the reality is is that they've ramped up production so much that they've been able to dwindle the ever growing wait list down that far. Tesla believes it will be the world's highest-selling vehicle by revenue in 2022, and by overall volume in 2023. That's total overall in every segment. Made with American parts in American factories by American workers. I have no idea why they get so much hate.


tesla3by3 t1_j1sat2k wrote

Tesla is nowhere close to the top in either of those categories

I get that you are saying “Tesla believes “ it will happen. It’s either a very old source, or just Elon being Elon.

EV’s are only about 1% of the total market. Tesla does lead that small segment.


padredan t1_j1sz9of wrote

It’s interesting because the hate used to come almost exclusively from the rolling coal loving nimrods who think electric cars are some liberal anti-merican conspiracy just shy of taking their guns. But now for some inexplicable reason, Musk has gone on an absolute bender to alienate the very people that are his core customers. And now those people are driving the Tesla hate. Clearly the Twitter project has turned out to be one of the most tone deaf endeavors Musk has undertaken.


Confident_End_3848 t1_j1sc9mc wrote

An almost 70% drop in Tesla's stock price YTD would seem to indicate more of a problem than you are willing to admit.


magentaapplesauce t1_j1s9p7s wrote

I was going to say, that quote doesn't explain whether the cars are more available because of increasing supply or diminishing demand.


DERBY_OWNERS_CLUB t1_j1sxp6t wrote

>I have no idea why they get so much hate.

Because the company is funding Musk's Twitter takeover and he's using Twitter as a means to stoke the "Culture War". Example - tweeting about how he "owned the libs" by buying Twitter, saying he did it for "free speech" but bans whoever offends him, endorses Republicans, etc.

I've gone from a positive view of Tesla to a "would never buy" stance in ~2 years because I'm not willing to be associated with the Musk brand. I think there are a lot more interesting cars emerging in the space (iQ5, Polestar 2, EV6, etc) to the point where I genuinely have better alternatives.

To be clear I don't give a shit who the CEOs of these other companies donate to or what their politics are, I just care that they're not trying to actively trolling Americans on a regular basis and when someone sees my car they're not thinking "oh this guy probably loves what Musk stands for".


[deleted] t1_j1s82pl wrote

I’m not sure either. I’m not a fan of Musk but Tesla ignited interest in EVs and is still the leader in related battery tech. I’m proud they’re an American company and that we manufacture here.


cdelaney1982 t1_j1smfu1 wrote

I'll wait for acuras. They look much nicer and prob won't catch fire 👀


Neither-Camp-1352 t1_j1snb8h wrote

Slaves....people have seen the videos of the mines where the materials are sourced for those batteries.

People are just as upset with companies like Apple for the same reason