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hllewis128 t1_j1pt69l wrote

Fellow atheist here (and also anti-consumption). I’ve found it to be very fulfilling to create my own traditions around the Winter solstice. I give simple gifts, make a delicious (vegetarian!) feast for myself and any loved ones joining me that particular year, light a bunch of candles and have as much chocolate, cinnamon, and ginger as possible to stave off the cold.

This year, I added a new one into the mix—volunteering at a shelter, mission, soup kitchen, etc., on Xmas day or Xmas eve. Since that’s not much of a holiday to me, I can give the volunteers who want to celebrate a break.

Just a few ideas. I hope you find a winter holiday tradition that allows you to reflect and look ahead :)


immargarita t1_j1puc93 wrote

LOVE this!!!! 💕. Confirming atheists aren't devil worshippers 😹. There's so much I want to get into in this city. Just celebrated our 4th year in Pittsburgh, 3 of which have been mostly taken up by Covid, 2 of those 3 years spent renovating the soon-to-be new home.
Definitely want to volunteer for numerous causes. I'm a massive animal lover, so that will be one, for sure but I love the ones you're taking on, not just good for the needy but helping others is so good for one's own happiness, mental health, etc.

First, I have to work at getting my driver's license which I can't say I'm looking forward to 😶

Good wishes to you for the new year! 🥳


hllewis128 t1_j1qdx1t wrote

Good luck with the driver’s license and in 2023! :)