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whyverne1 t1_j1xvh9n wrote

Rotten shame what happened to that newspaper. Used to be gold. That's what the right does to the media.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j1zjurb wrote

And the Blocks will leave them out there. Between scabs and AP filler, the paper doesn't really look any different to the average reader. Subscriptions aren't hurting, ad revenue likely isn't down. Until there's a threat to their income, they won't come back to the table.

A question I do have, though: the writers are doing all this stuff now that the the PG wouldn't cover - small, community stuff that they should have been covering all along, but stuff that the Blocks don't give a fuck about. Does that coverage go away if they go back to work at PG? Because the Blocks aren't going to suddenly support small news.


EllaMinnow t1_j20uyr7 wrote

What's different, and what will hopefully start to make a difference, is a lot of local politicians and organizations -- including Mayor Gainey -- are refusing to speak to the PG while its workers are on strike. When that gets to a critical mass, it's going to make certain kinds of journalism impossible.

God knows if the Blocks will ever buckle but god I hope for the workers' sake they do.


Equivalent_Alps_8321 t1_j1ycjpf wrote

isn't it owned by a far right nut now?


tesla3by3 t1_j1ziux0 wrote

Same ownership, but they combined some editorial functions with their other paper, the Toledo Blade, and appointed a right wing executive editor.


chuckie512 t1_j1zpnxo wrote

I've set my hosts file on my computer to redirect me away so I don't accidentally give that garbage any ad revenue.


OverclockedCPA t1_j21ylg0 wrote

The workers on strike at the PG have started their own newspaper here…check it out and support them if you can.