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just-kath t1_j0sbhm8 wrote

This is the correct way to make it. Boiled potato cubes, cabbage and onion cooked in butter, dumplings ( I make egg dumplings) and butter, then add butter. Season to taste and add butter.


Human_Anything9801 t1_j0t420m wrote

🤣😝just made Pirogi today… and there was no shortage of butter. This is so very true


just-kath t1_j0ty3ob wrote

Respect. I tried pirogi making and failed spectacularly. Haluski is doable. We are losing our church ladies but there are a couple of local places where we can now buy a decent dozen. One in Monaca is really good.


PirinTablets13 t1_j0ugket wrote

Pierogi are easy once you get the right combo of textures with your dough and fillings. Potato and cheese should be tight enough to roll into a ball and hold its shape (think drier than normal mashed potatoes). Cabbage should be allowed to chill in the fridge so the butter solidifies and holds it together as you scoop it out with a spoon. Ditto prune - once it’s cooled it should be similar to a nice, spreadable jam. Your dough should be just the tiniest bit elastic and allowed to rest for at least 30 minutes before laminating it with flour through the dough roller a couple times and then rolling it into sheets for cutting. A washed out 28 ounce can is the perfect size for cutting the dough, and you gotta make sure they’re sealed completely (dip a fingertip in water and run it along half the circle of dough) when you crimp them shut.

Source: helped to make literally hundreds of pierogi yesterday.


just-kath t1_j0vkkdb wrote

I went out to lunch with my friend today. I stopped at the new little shop and bought some pirogi for tomorrow. I blame you. haha

To be fair, I first tried many many years ago...and I now have a better feel for the dough, but still. You still have my respect


edit, clarity


NoIntroduction6034 t1_j0slx6q wrote

You forgot add butter.


just-kath t1_j0ty8ex wrote

More butter is always okay, haha

Weirdly, I am way more conservative with butter on pirogi, I don't like them swimming, just... enough.