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Strongbow85 t1_j1ca36p wrote

Everyone should be treated equal, but this current woke movement looks at everything through the lens of race, it's shallow and insincere. It's almost racist in itself. I judge a person by the content of their character not by the color of their skin. "White privilege" is a bullshit term exploited by certain influential groups to keep the lower and middle classes divided.

For example, if you're Jeff Bezos you'd much prefer having culture wars than for blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc. working together to fight for better working conditions at Amazon warehouses. Look at Starbucks, they're very progressive and inclusive until it comes to labor issues and their profits. Foreign adversaries, particularly Russia, exploit these divisions with active measures and disinformation, both on the right and left. It sows discord and weakens us as a society.


Alt_North t1_j1dsh05 wrote

> I judge a person by the content of their character not by the color of their skin.

No you don't. Not always or totally. Neither do I.