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mikeyHustle t1_j0ue7ek wrote

I was gonna say, I don't love my landlord (company), but when our furnace circuit board died on goddamn New Year's Eve, they answered their emergency line and dropped off two space heaters at least, the same day. Was it enough? Not really. But we didn't freeze.


BurntHippie OP t1_j0ujppy wrote

I totally understand in the current climate of things taking a few weeks to get things scheduled and figured out, but we discussed this at thanksgiving that he didnt have heat for a few weeks then, now its almost 2 months!
He has his own space heater, but the rental company has not provided a time range for repair, or even offered up other solutions.


evil_iceburgh t1_j0uo2o2 wrote

Your outlook is way too patient. This is completely unacceptable in my professional opinion


BurntHippie OP t1_j0uraxv wrote

He was supposed to be calling around, I have been on his case. I just took it upon myself this morning to call the health department and the others listed here.


evil_iceburgh t1_j0uthai wrote

The calling around part is the problem and a big delay. Any halfway professional situation has some guys they know and can call. Even if it is to rig a system up to work temporarily while they wait for a dedicated service to show up they should have people. I’m glad you called the numbers to put some pressure on this guy. I hope you get it sorted soon