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sawamander t1_j1a1ww1 wrote

Woah, do PA public schools always go this late into the year?


greentea1985 t1_j1a5pv4 wrote

A lot of schools are trying to go essentially Labor Day - Memorial Day, but PA requires a lot of school days for a year to count, so it typically becomes school starting a week or two before Labor Day and ending a week or two after Memorial Day and still not getting a lot of holiday time due to all the days that need to be squeezed in. Even remote instruction days tend to be rationed now, with schools only allowed 5 before they have to treat it as a school cancellation.


sawamander t1_j1a6f5f wrote

Oh word, y'all start almost a full month later than we did. That makes sense. Still, wild, I would assume an earlier start time would make more sense w/ the weather patterns here?


CARLEtheCamry t1_j1a357f wrote

Depends entirely on district but generally, yes. They have a mandatory number of days they have to have class.

My district has short/non-existent spring break as well, and typically get done by the last week of May. Which is clutch if you're cheap like me and want to book a family vacation at off-peak rates.


sawamander t1_j1a4apl wrote

That's crazy. My high school would have gotten off around the 16th and wouldn't be back until the 7th-ish.


James19991 t1_j1agiia wrote

Wow yeah that's way more than I got. I went to a Catholic school for kindergarten through 8th and then a public high school, and we usually went to only a day or two before Christmas Eve, and then went back around January 3rd or 4th.

Which state are you from? I've never heard of a high school finishing up for the year in mid December.


sawamander t1_j1aidko wrote

I'm from Alabama. We started a few weeks earlier than y'all appear to, which probably makes up for some of those days, but that's crazy to me. I would really think that PA would want to try to maximize winter break days for weather safety reasons? We also got a week off for Thanksgiving.


James19991 t1_j1bmuj7 wrote

Ah gotcha, the South loves to start school early. Yeah besides Christmas, I don't remember ever getting more than two or three days off at a time for breaks during Thanksgiving and around Easter.