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James19991 t1_j19q3zb wrote

Good for them. No point of having students and teachers deal with the misery of being outside tomorrow for a day where they likely would have done little anyways considering it's the last day before a long holiday break.


stanthebat t1_j1and2w wrote

Even as a middle-aged person, I still get the heebie-jeebies when I see back-to-school ads, and I still get a peaceful feeling when I hear that school was called off on account of snow.


sawamander t1_j1a1ww1 wrote

Woah, do PA public schools always go this late into the year?


greentea1985 t1_j1a5pv4 wrote

A lot of schools are trying to go essentially Labor Day - Memorial Day, but PA requires a lot of school days for a year to count, so it typically becomes school starting a week or two before Labor Day and ending a week or two after Memorial Day and still not getting a lot of holiday time due to all the days that need to be squeezed in. Even remote instruction days tend to be rationed now, with schools only allowed 5 before they have to treat it as a school cancellation.


sawamander t1_j1a6f5f wrote

Oh word, y'all start almost a full month later than we did. That makes sense. Still, wild, I would assume an earlier start time would make more sense w/ the weather patterns here?


CARLEtheCamry t1_j1a357f wrote

Depends entirely on district but generally, yes. They have a mandatory number of days they have to have class.

My district has short/non-existent spring break as well, and typically get done by the last week of May. Which is clutch if you're cheap like me and want to book a family vacation at off-peak rates.


sawamander t1_j1a4apl wrote

That's crazy. My high school would have gotten off around the 16th and wouldn't be back until the 7th-ish.


James19991 t1_j1agiia wrote

Wow yeah that's way more than I got. I went to a Catholic school for kindergarten through 8th and then a public high school, and we usually went to only a day or two before Christmas Eve, and then went back around January 3rd or 4th.

Which state are you from? I've never heard of a high school finishing up for the year in mid December.


sawamander t1_j1aidko wrote

I'm from Alabama. We started a few weeks earlier than y'all appear to, which probably makes up for some of those days, but that's crazy to me. I would really think that PA would want to try to maximize winter break days for weather safety reasons? We also got a week off for Thanksgiving.


James19991 t1_j1bmuj7 wrote

Ah gotcha, the South loves to start school early. Yeah besides Christmas, I don't remember ever getting more than two or three days off at a time for breaks during Thanksgiving and around Easter.


greentea1985 t1_j1a0hou wrote

I’m watching with baited breath for what my kids’ school district, Mt. Lebanon, will do. Tomorrow is supposed to be only a half-day with the kids holding their Christmas parties then coming home. It’s a walking district which means impassible roads isn’t as much of a problem but a wind chill warning is.

/just after I posted, I got a message from the district. Mt Lebo is doing a remote instruction day with Christmas parties rescheduled to January 6th, aka epiphany.


ohidontthinks0 t1_j19qr50 wrote

I’m glad I sent my teacher gifts in today, even though they weren’t as finished as I’d like. Also happy they let us know early so we can sleep in tomorrow!


OlesLS t1_j1ad7l1 wrote

Good for the kids I guess. Enjoy Christmas break a day early


XavierRex83 t1_j1c345o wrote

I wish PPS was like this when I went to school. I think the only days that were ever canceled for me were around the Blizzard of 93, and maybe a couple other days. I had a day in elementary school were roads were so icy the bus couldn't even get to the school, but school was open. So many days where classes were half full because of weather.