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rush2ryme t1_j1vjpb8 wrote

Not a short term solution but the electric workers union apprenticeship usually opens up in March and can provide long term, stable employment as well as pretty good pay. They haven’t released the application dates yet but bookmark this and keep an eye out. I’m waiting for it as well, sick of crappy jobs and crappy pay.


TransporterOffline t1_j1vgoi1 wrote

I have no personal connection to them, but I live close to the Steamfitters training facility, you might look into them.


SecretSquirrelSauce t1_j1vri5b wrote

The power plant out in Beaver (Beaver Valley Power Station) is hiring, I believe, and supports several different trade unions (electricians, millwrights, steel workers, etc). I'd say look there?


firesidepoet t1_j1xd6i4 wrote

Look into plumbing. Plumbers are required to go through schooling if they're working as an apprentice plumber, and 99% of the time your company pays for school.

My bf is in plumbing school right now, in his third year. It's two nights a week for a couple hours. With winter break and summer break.


DERBY_OWNERS_CLUB t1_j1yyqr7 wrote

pro-tip: Leave the last sentence of your post off next time. If you constantly have "terrible employers and co-workers", the common denominator there is you.

Maybe it's just bad luck, but no one is going to be excited about investing time into your apprenticeship if you don't actually give a shit about the work and are just there because you're pissed about another job.