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Serebrius t1_j0cjf9b wrote

Where did you see this? I hope it's not true. I cannot break the news to my girlfriend about this.


Dessum t1_j0cjidf wrote

I've heard the same. Bummer. If they're still serving I should go get one last cone.


Klschue t1_j0ckg9k wrote

It’s not on their Instagram, but I just asked my sister because she loves Handel’s, she said she saw it last night on their Facebook


mr_r_smith t1_j0cnyxh wrote

Unfortunately, it's true. There's a sign that says last day is the 31st


DIY_Creative t1_j0crjaa wrote

I know it's a lot further away but there's one in McCandless if anyone wasn't aware.


PhotoCropDuster t1_j0ct1uu wrote

The one in mccandless is still around if you need to scratch the itch


Comfortable_Nerve_18 t1_j0dzx31 wrote

Ugh whyyyy. Wonder if something else is going to go there. So sad!


dmcgrew t1_j0evzqw wrote

A good alternative that is only a few mins away on Mifflin Rd is The Scoop. Not sure if they're open all year or not though. Their icecream sandwiches are amazing.