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chippersonofYork t1_j2b1370 wrote

Yintzers love their grill marks

Grill Marks for you Yintzers


Metrichex t1_j2b25jw wrote

It's industry standard. 45°/45°


chippersonofYork t1_j2b6a4d wrote

Exactly Industrial Chain restaurants


Metrichex t1_j2b7h3y wrote

It's French Technique. You have no idea what you're talking about.


chippersonofYork t1_j2b8jrj wrote

Worked at Ponderosa for 8 1/2 months I do know what I am seeing.


Metrichex t1_j2bbpm5 wrote

I would keep that to myself, if I were you.


kittenshart85 t1_j2b6bpq wrote

people generally expect grill marks on their steak regardless of region. this article is mostly for folks whose favorite restaurants all have Sysco as the head chef.