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TheLittleParis t1_j18osfm wrote

Yeah, I get the reason for it in theory. It just makes me mad when I learn that the Art Commission tried to use community review to hold the construction up for four months just so it matched their personal tastes. Seems so out of touch with the needs of actual residents who just want to get back to their normal commutes as soon as possible.


blondiebell t1_j18xr1z wrote

That particular committee, sure. They have been accused of over stepping their authority and being far too personal than objective.

Seems we otherwise agree :)

It is unfortunate that so much of our infrastructure is in dire need of repairs, because in a better world we'd be planning big projects far in advance so that we CAN take the time to see every angle and make as many voices on the matter heard. The aesthetic of a bridge or other big structure Should matter, so it's a shame we so often don't give ourselves time to consider it because we just need the work done done done.