Submitted by Karma4Clunkerz t3_zz56a8 in pittsburgh

Do people here not know to cross at the crosswalk? I’m driving on West Liberty and it’s fairly busy but this woman just decides to walk into traffic like she’s asking to be hit or something.



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put_the_ux_in_sux t1_j29hlxm wrote


Everyone loves crossing about 30 ft. away from the crosswalk which results in slamming on the breaks every time you turn.

People also just swinging out their doors in traffic, too.


321fishing123 t1_j29jx2o wrote

Welcome to Pittsburgh. Drive very, very carefully, this is a pedestrian city. Pedestrians have the right of way, so it will be your fault no matter what if you run someone over.


ricksebak t1_j29krbp wrote

> like she’s asking to be hit or something.

Did you hit her? Or did you do a quick mental calculation and determine that slowing down for two seconds is a tiny inconvenience, and that hitting her is a giant inconvenience, and then you just slowed down and didn’t hit her?

Because if you slowed down and didn’t hit her, then maybe she’s not asking to be hit. Maybe she knows about the mental calculation and she’s using it to her advantage to cross the street faster.


1029Dash t1_j29nlpj wrote

Most cross at the crosswalk but then cars also like to speed through the cross walk even if it means going through a stop sign


ForgottenZodiac t1_j29q49t wrote

Was coming here to say this. Can’t say how many times I’ve waited for the sign to walk to have a car nearly hit me or get uncomfortably close because they are impatient. In general people suck.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_j29x4mk wrote

It's such a statement that the default is you feel in the right driving your car and being part of traffic vs someone walking and just existing.


Krihvuh t1_j2a2zki wrote

Oh, they do...and they know how to jay-walk too, but your statement clearly suggests you already knew that 2nd part.


StickyBush69 t1_j2a3upj wrote

Are you a non-native? When I lived out west for a bit, I was surprised at how strictly everyone followed pedestrian/driving rules/laws. It made me realize how chaotic a lot of people here usually are haha.


pittsburghfun t1_j2a5oma wrote

Once I was in DC, crossing in the middle of a block. A cop yelled “Hey Pittsburgh, go cross at the light”. I was younger then, wondered how he knew!


RepoGodFather t1_j2a7dp8 wrote

Ppl in Pittsburgh. Where I come from the big red hand means cross and the white walking symbol means cross. If I'm in certain areas it means walk down the center of the street while the sidewalks are clear and traffic is coming. Then wave my hands at them like they are in fact the asshole for driving down the street I'm walking on.


mama-tried-34 t1_j2a8ryq wrote

If Pittsburgh had a Bill of Rights, jaywalking would be close to the top.


Yomama-22 t1_j2ajwly wrote

As long as you make it to the other side, no problem.


lifes_nether_regions t1_j2b2stb wrote

Nope. You gotta just get across whenever and wherever you have the chance. It's like Frogger out here.


McJumpington t1_j2b39gs wrote

Pedestrians in south side literally have waited to cross the street the exact opposite time they are supposed to. Even with don’t walk signals flashing… in broad daylight.

Our city is full of incompetent walkers.


CityDweller26 t1_j2b5mq3 wrote

There have been so many deaths on West Liberty… You really must be extremely confident, (or stupid), to cross any stretch of it thinking you aren’t about 3 seconds away from meeting Jesus.


lemma_qed t1_j2c1bs4 wrote

In Pittsburgh, I've personally seen two pedestrians laying on the ground soon after being hit by cars, both before any emergency personnel had arrived. I haven't seen any similar incidents in any of the other cities I've lived in. One of the pedestrians was right next to the crosswalk when I saw them. The other was laying in the middle of a busy road, at night, wearing dark clothing. Interpret my anecdotes however you want.


lemma_qed t1_j2c5tno wrote

In both cases other bystanders were already helping them by the time I saw them. For one of the cases, I could hear sirens coming closer, which I hope/presume was for them. Since I lack medical training, there was really nothing I could have done to help either of them. So in both cases I just got myself out of the way. No, I didn't watch them. I left. Hovering around them would have been a hindrance to actual help that was already on the way.