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steelcityrocker t1_j1g3ctl wrote

Where is your thermostat located? That temp difference seems absolutely bonkers to me. If it is in a room where the warm are is being "trapped" in, it is possible that is why your house isn't heating correctly.

If you have extra towels, put them at the bottom of any door leading outside to cut down on any drafts. Make sure all yout windows are shut all the way from both the top and the bottom ( our windows suck and are drafty AF)

Open any cabinets underneath sinks, prop your bathroom door open, do anything you can to make sure warm air geta to the pipes.


throwawayaccountweak OP t1_j1iib7j wrote

There’s pretty much no insulation in the house. I’ve had winter nights where the downstairs was 50° and everything was fine. But this is just plain absurd lol