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throwaybeauty OP t1_j1njp6t wrote

The line for the heater does not have a leak, it's the hot water tank line. It's under our kitchen, but it's not the direct line feeding out kitchen. About a week ago we lost water for about 24 hours due to a main break (WPJWA), and the heat seemed ok - just worried since it's pretty cold and we were trickling the faucets to keep them from freezing if they will all freeze now. We cannot get anyone out until at least tomorrow it looks like.


Snoo-35041 t1_j1njuyn wrote

You maybe able to shut off the hot water heater and leave your main on so the boiler will still run ok.


floppgh t1_j1nnjor wrote

Turn your main off at the entrance to your house open your highest faucet and your lowest faucet if you are that worried about freezing . I’m no plumber but that should drain most of the water out of your system and insulate the main coming in to your off valve .